There’s nothing in the article to back up the headlines claims about Le Mans being cancelled, it’s just bullshit click bait. You barely corrected the stuff on “Porsche pulling out”. We expect better (or at least we used to).
There’s nothing in the article to back up the headlines claims about Le Mans being cancelled, it’s just bullshit click bait. You barely corrected the stuff on “Porsche pulling out”. We expect better (or at least we used to).
I’m torn. On one hand, OBVIOUSLY yes, it’s a CJ in all but name and number of grille slats. On the other hand, FCA doesn’t make CJ’s. And since these are (supposed to be) off-road only, it’s not like the Roxors are stealing any measurable number of sales.
Reporter: “Here I am with a man who claims that the food he was eating saved his life.”
I mean pretty much now I guess. This article is arguing over the difference between 2.61 and 2.68 seconds. That means this is over .07 of a second.
If that’s a thing, I know a few other people who should have mandatory finger-breaking.
Anyone who cares about performance enough to tell the difference between 2.61 and 2.68 seconds is NOT going to care about that difference in a 4500 lb car. And anyway a difference that small can be easily attributed to all sorts of experimental error sources.
Without dick waving, Lamborghini would still be only building tractors.
Surely he should be encouraging other manufacturers? He set Tesla to make EVs a viable alternative to ICEs. He’s mostly succeeded in that goal, perhaps he should stand back and just think about the change he’s made to the industry.
“I know electric cars, I make the best electric cars, they say wow, just look at those cars, my cars, and they, they are just the best, I know electric cars. No one else can do them.”- Delon Mump. (It works. Just say it all in the trump voice)
With the slower car at *124mph*?? Get out of here with that nonsense. Again, in the REAL WORLD, who fucking cares? Either one gets your license shredded in a nanosecond, and if all you want to do is go 1/4 mile really fucking fast, you can do it a lot more cheaply than $200K. A Hellcat Demon is faster than either of…
Thanks, I sort of find it funny that the whole world wants electric cars, but if it’s not a Tesla it must be criticised constantly, even by Tesla. It’s dumb. Just be happy you got what you wanted, Mr. Musk.
Great point.
because whoever is told they can wave their dick the hardest is the winner, and at these price points people want to buy cars with the hardest and most winning dick wave
My gods Musk is a easily butthurt individual. He’s like a child.
My butt dyno is nowhere near finely tuned enough to distinguish between two cars so close in performance at that level. So who fucking cares? The dick waving really needs to just stop, both cars are completely stupidly fast.
I already have a Toyota hybrid. It’s not very fast.
This is actually the first teaser for the 2039 Supra MkVI. Expect a steady stream of this shit for the next ten years.