
the only feature i’d look for in a college fridge might be a lock feature.

we have certainly moved away from “planning for emergencies” and into “planning for obsolescence” in the recent years. i was reminiscent on how failure of critical components in the years just after 9/11 was met with a degree of extremism (planning for all B, C and D) and now efficiency and budgeting has taken hold of

And this whole time I was just using the carry on to keep all those things

one of the downsides of gaining weight was that my body was producing more gas and in fact certain foods made me bloat to the point my shirt started tightening up on my torso. that’s when i learned about probiotics.

did they play “we are the champions” 3eb style? if not they should have.

she’s kinda hot... a nutcase sure but just sayin’

i feel my employer doesn’t deserve my undivided attempt at coming to work on time 100% of the time.

Si me van a matar mañana que me maten de una vez~

so... cops trusted the rider’s call? is that allowed?

this isn’s the same as Aukey’s. Lower amperage means slower charge as well. Might consider it if the white color helps blend into dashboard better.

this isn’s the same as Aukey’s. Lower amperage means slower charge as well. Might consider it if the white color

I really wished Google would bring about the scan to PDF feature to Google Drive for iOS. It’s literally the only thin I miss from my old Nexus 7

Recently had a fallout fromy Anker. I emailed them for support but got no resolution close to a month and that also after just posted a one star in the amazon review. Their products might be good but the poor support negates any stars they deserve

Recently had a fallout fromy Anker. I emailed them for support but got no resolution close to a month and that also

maybe he meant it as a compliment? i mean if you lose your hands from stealing too many breads because you’re starving then a shit hole with abundant resources and freedom sounds like heaven.

those sliding doors will the thing once autonomous cars start rolling out. nothing will be smaller than a minivan.

isn’t the turbo bound to be affected by the seasons? still, nice for motortrend to keep ford in their toes.

98' camry some 10 years ago in a chicago blizzard. i was pulling out of a mcD to turn left when i saw an opportunity to jump into the going traffic only to realize my speed and turn got me over a concrete divider. problem was that only the passenger side of my car was over the bump and the other was not. the next

so.. this is like a packing list when you visit your parents?

i keep thinking i need to buy me one before manuals disssapear.

I’m already picturing some new biometric sensor that acts like the Touch ID to recognize the wearer’s or skin pattern. Then the watch will be used to unlock doors, start cars, turn on TVs and turn farts into rainbows.

such a good idea! now waiting for Apple to copycat the shit out of this.