This week in empathy: hairdresser Kayley Olsson of the Iowa cosmetology school Capri Waterloo shared a story on…
This week in empathy: hairdresser Kayley Olsson of the Iowa cosmetology school Capri Waterloo shared a story on…
I’m not trying to be cool, but I had no idea Hawaii Five-0 was still on the air until this controversy.
My brother used to work out there at the lab. “When we were there - after the bulldozers buried the materials, the bulldozers were buried.”
Rick Perry will solve this, just as soon as he looks up “plutonium” on Wikipedia.
It’s a crazy story. We were within about one week from the tour (one of our members was flying in from England, so it was just a liiiiitle important to have a ride). Meanwhile, my wife and I had been leasing an Impreza. So I took the Impreza back to the dealership, told them I wanted to upgrade to an Outback. Got…
I thought Mexico was paying for the wall?
I can’t say I enjoy my local CVS, typically understaffed with overworked employees and somewhat high(er) prices on most items.
We call that Freedom Foam.
Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.
We’ve casted our vote
The Apple Car appears to be dead. Is it because making cars is hard? Is it because making phones is just too easy?…
Using recycled Galaxy Note 7 batteries
The world’s oldest boy—and a Holocaust survivor—will finally become a man next month when he gets the bar mitzvah…
Depression from a recent loss is no laughing matter. Do you feel like nothing even matters anymore because you’re a…
Still think the MDX is ugly (or cheap looking)? Can’t bring yourself to grow-up and get a minivan? Fear not, Lexus just announced that a 3-row version of the hot-selling RX crossover is coming late 2017 or early 2018. They’re going to sell a billion of these.
There’s also, which gives a product recommendation. This chart has a few categories thistothat doesn’t, but I think thistothat is a little better for those not familiar with glue types (such as myself). For example, for wood/fabric, this chart says contact adhesives or wood glue whereas thistothat says:
To be fair, it’s Chicago, so maybe.
I’ve been to Darwin. Affluent? Low crime? It’s none of those things. It remains the only place where I’ve watched a man beat another man with a frozen kangaroo tail. Drunk. At night. On a main street. In 34C heat. Darwin is that kind of place. You have to make allowances for oddness up there.