I suggest going the route of where your 401k is located at. Merrill Lynch for instance is owned by BoA and they’ll count its balance towards your account so you don’t have to worry about a minimum balance and perhaps even get one of their more premium accounts which still offers free checks etc... worth the research.
I bought a 2010 Base V6 Mustang and wanted to add USB music and Bluetooth connectivity but I really wanted to make use of the stock radio to do it. I had done enough reasearch that all I needed was to add the SYNC module but the module itself was $400 in the parts department.
You forgot to mention the cube door guards... always blue and sticking out like a mechanical wart... I find them Stateside every now and then and it’s 100% chance they’re Koreans when I do.
college crates. i finally had to let go of these wonderful furniture helpers right into our 2nd year of marriage. i shall miss them but ready to move on...
I find it important to plan my next car purchase (and the subsequent one even) due that my wife and I are trying to start a family. continue to look for a new (and used) car even after the most recent purchase? heck yeah.
I find it difficult to maintain a cost effective ecosystem when I go back and forth between brands. It’s easier to share purchased apps between family members, charging cables effectively double their usefulness when my wife and I both have the same brand phones, and at the end of the day you can only stick a limited…
In most part I agree. But there are those who don’t even do the market research and stubbornly raise the rent. You can’t convince a landlord to compromise because he/she thinks you’re bluffing or something. Best luck to whoever the landlord rents to next but I don’t even want to deal with such person at market price.
Renting from an experienced landlord helps a lot. A lot the green ones mean well but don’t know how to handle things and sometimes get a little too personal. Speaking as a landlord myself managing a property isn’t easy work and a lot of them walk into it thinking they can make easy cash.
It’s definitely not an universal rule but I agree. There was only like two occasions in the last three years that I actually ended up looking for that “thing” I threw away and now I can’t even remember what that was for the life of me.
I’ve been pretty happy with my iPhone 5 for close to 3 years now. The battery was going dull but I bought the $10/month warranty from my carrier which as it turns out replaces your phone at no cost against such “defects.” It’s a refurb and had to have it swapped twice before I got one that worked properly but I don’t…
Given the times I cannot recommend anyone to put down less than 20% on a house or take a financial risk by buying a house. A house, rent or otherwise, will take the lionshare of your paycheck and lasts longer than even a healthy marriage. And yet we seem to be culturally skewed to think that risking on a house is…
Mint has been indispensable for micromanaging my expenses but without long term projections I don’t find all that tracking very useful. It started when I noticed that no matter how rigorous was my budget I wasn’t accounting for the seasonal items like property taxes and car insurance that affect my bottom line the…
% of your total monthly budget spent on food : On average 13% including eating out during vacations.
730hp for $73k... so it's like $100/hp?
the velcro ties have become a permanent fixture in my tool box. highly recommended.
the velcro ties have become a permanent fixture in my tool box. highly recommended.
Your topic might a good article material but for this one I think the the convo went off topic. Unique value shouldn't need to equate to becoming more competitive or profitable. On a similar note however I have seen "too much passion" on some folks that it's not only idiotic sometimes but also brings down…
I keep imagining that once HUD technology is more widely adapted law enforcement will use it to detect faces, car speeds, and everything else that they're not catching with their cameras these days and provide live feedback on their window screens for immediate enforcement.
as a kid i was so curious about how electricity worked that i would jam different sorts of metals into the wall plug, play with adapter til they blew up and caused 3 or 4 blackouts. looking back i can't believe i survived all those jolts but even more incredible is that my parents never let up about channeling…
I didn't base the drill when choosing my powertool brand. I chose it based on the vacuum available which it's where I really use those batteries the most anyways.