
feels like Inception: don't think about elephants and all you can think about now are elephants. can't we assume that most pickpockets aren't this ingenuous?

Wife and I sometimes botch bad first experiences by telling ourselves that the intent was to try something new. This way we don't need to lower our expectations as well. This mindset however can be "pricey" and in certain aspects the benefit to cost ratio makes it just irrational imo. Nonetheless I encourage myself

Their other problems are more self-inflicted. For one, their cars are increasingly popular in China and yet they've been slow to build factories there. They pissed off both workers and shareholders when they spent $10 billion on office space in Seoul. They misled consumers about their fuel economy.

Same thing can be done to old sweaters to make them more fit (arms notwithstanding but I'm assuming you're not trying to slim down a baggy sweater here).

Isn't USA one of more overworked countries in the world? By all means take that vacation if your schedule and cost allows! Ofcourse I run under the assumption that if a parent is wise enough to prioritize vacay over school time the kids will be smart enough to catch up. If not those kids are screwed anyways.

there's a story about a few years back that goes like this:

You NEVER mess with the tip on a pizza guy. That was clear to me when me and my buddies got delivered a half eaten pizza and when we drove directly to the store to Pizza Hut for a refund they refused to give back the tip. Things almost got violent when we asked if keeping the tip for a half eaten pizza made sense

LED lights?

buttons that you didn't buy the option for.

My store pickup at my local Walmart is quick, old fashioned where the counter is near the entrace door, and I prefer it than walking a mile inside the store to find it. Having said that I find the store pickup option better regardless for two reasons:

I'm confused. I understood that No WiFi casting was coming but this sounds like Chromecast still needs to be tethered to the "settings" phone via WiFi for the guest phones to stream without it.

The problem with CR is that value (or reliability if you will) isn't the only reason people buy cars. Sure you want your toaster to have a high safety and reliability rating but you don't love your toaster like some car owners love their cars. If I could upvote a youtube site I would give all thumbs to Alex on Autos

Down vote: Consumer Reports.

Now that I have a better understanding of cars I feel confident about buying used. Having said that my wife is far more sensitive about reliability than I am so we opted to buy new. Mind you that new doesn't equate to unbreakable and first year models in particular can shed manufacturing issues more than the proven

Minimalism. You learn that you don't need as many things as you thought you needed in the first place.

Learning about cars. The more you learn more about your car and learn that a bunch of stuff you used to pay for you could have done at a fraction of the price. Also the hard stuff that you DO have to entrust to the mechanic doesn't feel like a rip off. Finally, you can make an educated buy when choosing your next

Seems like it's been designed to steal thunder away from RaspPi and I wonder how well have the others like Banana Pi or Intel's Galileo has done and what can the CI20 do better than its predecessors. It's the large Pi following that allows non-compilers like me to use these DIY devices in real world applications and

looking back i'm glad i never bought new until i hit my 30's but i really hated my cars and i rather regret that. i wish i had spent my 20's learning more about cars, fixing them myself and trying different things so that when the time came to spend the big bucks for your great love you'd know what to do. i would

I don't recommend moving away from iOS 7 unless you have to. Having said that iOS 8.1 on my iPhone 5 seems to run smoothly.

Has any iPhone 5 owners with iOS 8.1 has seen an improvement with 8.1.1? Lots of talks about the 4S and iPad 2 but nada on the A6ers