
“Mistakes” happen all the time with rape. For instance, the time a teenager reported being violently raped by a stranger, and the police didn’t believe her and charged her with false reporting, for which she was convicted. And then years later, the police a serial rapist who documented all his rapes and found a

I went to a conference in reproductive health and it was all about women and I remember a doctor that said (like you now) that he did not mean to sound bad but: what about vasectomies? I remember he said: I want to perform vasectomies. And there was some desperation in his voice ha ha. We should definitely talk more

Yo, I wasn’t even poor when I hit up PP for my IUD, just medically disenfranchised by my shithead OB/GYN who first counselled me against the IUD because I was a newlywed and it would “annoy” her when I “inevitably came back a year later to have it removed,” then, when I insisted on having it, tried to get me to pony

But, seriously, that’s the only harm done: an imaginary concern troll in the sky gets upset.

I know this sounds a little like “why don’t you think of the men involved for once”, but really Planned Parenthood is good for everybody who is poor and wants to have safe sex. When I was a promiscuous-and-penniless student, I was able to go to Planned Parenthood for STI screenings and condoms.

They’re not “(half)rumors.” Bill has admitted to loads of bad behavior. Of course, that’s for him to answer to, not Hillary.

Yeah. I think the diet thing is a bit OTT but I don’t think it’s a bad idea to hold off on getting your kid a smartphone until she’s 15 (I didn’t get my first cellphone until then); I also kinda love that she throws out anything they don’t pick up. It’s nice that she’s teaching them to look after their own shit and

I don’t know why all these health nuts seem so entirely clueless about the fact that one diet does not fit all people. Honestly, if you know so goddamn much, why don’t you know *that*?

I grew up the same way, but 1) there were a lot more supervised activities a kid could go to and 2) despite that, I was still ordered to go straight home after school and stay around the house until Mom got home. (I also lived in a fairly small town where societal surveillance ran far deeper than we kids realized) My

True. For some reason, kids abuse the shit out of their phones, so, not being as rich as Madonna, I have a problem with giving the kid a $600 device that will inevitably be destroyed. My younger kid got my used 5, and broke the screen about 6 months later. It didn't really faze him until I replaced it with a $99

Sweets and chocolate are outlawed, along with dairy products, salt and preservatives

I...fully support a kid not getting an iPhone till after they’re 15

Hope they have lots of napkins at that restaurant.

Break out the Hennigan’s