
Why does Gwyneth have to keep doing such eye roll things. Two of my favorite all time movies are ‘Sliding Doors’ and ‘Shakespeare in Love’ but nobody needs the nonsense she’s peddling and her brand of snake oil makes me so mad.

Nobody needs to bring their A-game to fuck with a woman who puts jade up her vagina. You don’t even have to bring your B-game to do that.

“White folks have an obligation, as the people with the power and social status in a white supremacist society, to give a voice and platform to those without it.”

This doesn’t make any sense. And cultural appropriation is a deeply troublesome form of injustice.

People purporting to speak FOR a particular group they do not belong to is problematic. It’s different from providing a space for others to tell their own stories. Completely failing to listen to people when they point out the difference, and actually suppressing their voices further by mockery and outrage makes it

I think writers always have and will continue to “imagine” other identities. The problem comes when certain people’s imagining carries more literary weight than other’s realities. We are not living in a just world.

“that’s just us telling them what could happen” isn’t exactly reassuring, and in fact has a hostile feel to it.

I remember going to SXSW when it was a direction.

Hard to imagine that the wife of a billionaire would get enticed by a ‘free trip to Chicago’, especially since ‘free’ means you have to go on TV and talk about being abused.



not as awesome as he sounds. especially not lately...

Families being torn apart, lives destroyed.

I saw this last night and I started crying immediately; she is NOT a criminal. Trump promised he would only deport criminals. Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos is not a criminal. Trump lied and now our citizens are paying for it. He is harming our country and harming the world. We are all in danger. This is dangerous

Definitely with bodily fluids.

Prince George also has far better self-control.

“Artist’s rendering of White House transition of power. Image via Kensington Palace/The British Monarchy.”

I disagree with this artist’s rendering on the grounds that lil Prince George is entirely too cute to play our yamlike president.

La La Land, because at least Fantastic Beasts has the excuse of being weird Doctor Who/Pokemon mashup fanfiction set in the Potterverse.

Forget about the politics for a second, extrapolating from the Miss Universe pageants, it’s safe to assume these women are opening themselves up to sexual harassment by performing for Trump. It’s very reasonable for them to want to skip this performance