
I’m giving him a full year - he has a majority, but also a very ambitious plan. Today’s announcements validates that decision, I think.

This GIF is amazing!

To be fair, the Lululemon I bought ten years ago when it was made in Canada and not full of Rand quotes on the bag or racist and fatphobic quotes in the media has lasted really well, but also it was made in Canada at a time when they cared about quality, and none of it has ever been in the dryer. Today, I would rather

I caved and signed up for Petit Vour based on these reviews last month. The products this month are all great, and the nail polish really does dry that quickly (plus I got a lovely kind of rosegold shade that made me put polish on my fingernails for the first time since my angry teen days).

I sprang for Blundstones last week, and while they are truly some of the most comfortable and supportive things I’ve worn short of Birkenstocks, I have two problems: They are taking really long to break in and now one of my blisters popped so I can’t wear them at all for a few days; and the Nikwax that came with them

Hello. You are more or less three-years-ago me. You will get through this, and it will actually be fine. At this point, your best best is to just start writing - just write anything, with no judgement or editing, about anything, for 20 minutes, and go from there.

If your cat only gets hyper at 8pm, count yourself lucky. Mine gets hyper exactly when I am finishing a paper, at 11pm, and when I am about to fall asleep, without fail. I do sometimes play mousie-catch with her if she has somehow slept through one of those beserking sessions though.

Dammit. I must learn this. I feel like it’s the best possible ringtone for when my supervisor, a kind but somewhat demanding man in his late 60s, calls.

I started going grey in my early 20s and freaked out about it and dyed for a couple of years, but I actually really like my natural colour and replicating it chemically would cost a fortune (I have too much natural depth and undertone). It’s one of those maybe I’ll do when I’m in my 50s with something resembling a

It took me until Season 3, and now children’s birthday parties are forever ruined for me.

That is actually awesome. Is this in the iTunes store?

Thank you for this. I’m 38 with more grey than I’m comfortable with sometimes, and I’ve been tempted to start colouring it, but knowing I won’t be the only mid-30s woman in thew world who does makeup and cute clothes and long hair without colouring makes me feel better about staying natural.

Someone on my block has a habit of whistling “Farmer in the Dell” as they walk down the street and I am so, so disappointed that no one ever makes the joke.

This whole column is A+ work. Please never leave.

It’s more or less what I do, within certain imposed constraints (like if I’m in a library and want an apple, my choices are eat something else that is quiet so I don’t get busted for snacking in the library, starve, or leave). People may think it’s odd if you eat leftover pasta for breakfast and yogurt for dinner one

Praise be to Glob!

Even without primers, Urban Decay Naked eyeshadows and Clinique High Impact Waterproof mascara stay put beautifully through an hour of sobbing because you’ve somehow burned out six weeks into your grad program.

I think he tried and failed, and then sued a bunch of other people anyhow for teaching “his” yoga without paying him any royalties regardless of whether they use his dialogue or not, and for not even charging for it in the case of Yoga for the People. It’s about keeping it exclusive so rich white people feel the

Add in a mandatory, $20k training program to teach people to breathe and a licensing arrangement where you collect like 50% of their gross from charging people for the privilege and you’ve duplicated Bikram’s business model.

Thiiiiiiis. The length is a huge deal, especially since tights aren’t things you’re allowed to try on or return. The amount of money I’ve wasted on tights with misleading size charts on the labels is insane. Hue or nothing!

Thiiiiiiis. The length is a huge deal, especially since tights aren’t things you’re allowed to try on or return. The