
The notion of "what's the problem if you have nothing to hide?" is remarkably dangerous to liberty.

Yeah the "ive got nothing to hide" angle doesn't really make it any better.

Can I have a license plate that commemorates General Sherman burning Atlanta to the ground?

As a snobbish northerner, there's one thing I've never understood: What exactly do southerners have to be proud of? They seceded to preserve slavery. They lost the war they started, and lost bad. Actually they never stood a chance. The Confederacy had inferior industry, few railroads, a weak central government. The

I used to have this sticker on my truck when I was in high school where ~40% of the population were hicks and love flying Confederate flags.

There is nothing wrong with being proud about where you're from, heritage, family that fought in a prior war, etc. The Confederate Flag in itself is symbolic of one thing however, it also became a symbol for everything racist in the South. Most of the people who fly this flag do so because it represents a specific

Anyone who supports the Confederate flag is not only racist, but unoriginal. There are a million ways to celebrate pride in your region without waving around a symbol created by those who enslaved an entire race of people. Btw, I don't trust anyone to tell me that not EVERY single confederate flag owner is racist.

No one is saying the South can't be proud of their heritage, they're just saying the Confederacy was built and maintained by slave labor, and shouldn't be celebrated.

What kind of pride should you feel over starting a war because you want free labor? If you want to feel "pride" over being from a particular region like Georgia, or California, or Alaska - that's great. But why is the south insisting on associating their sense of regional pride with the flag of a war that caused so

I love the most common defense of this: "We're not racist, we just advocate for the dissolution of the United States". Maybe they are right, maybe they should be allowed to celebrate their "heritage" as un-American traitors.

And this is where Germany did something right. It is against the law to show Nazi symbols, this is what we should have done with anything related to the CSA.

If I were the son of a group of backward losers on the wrong side of history, I'd definitely want to advertise it!

Anyone else ever think about how messed up it is that the part of the country that pretends to be the most patriotic also celebrates treason? Can you imagine if the situation were reversed? Say the north were the traitors and the south won, I think the treatment of a treasonous flag would be handled much differently

Just "being proud of my heritage" that is all.

We (today the Germans themselves) don't allow the NAZI flag, nor pictures and writings of those behind that bloody regime. Why should an equally noxious reminder of a defeated foe, the confederate battle emblem, be allowed? The North won. You were vanquished. We do not allow you to continue your traditions.

This isn't heritage. It's treason and terrorism

I think we ALL know the REAL reason you want to display the Confederate flag, you racist bastards.

Those in favor of displaying the Confederate flag say it's a celebration of heritage, but opponents, especially black people, see it as a reminder of a war fought and lost over human slavery and the decades of Jim Crow laws and segregation that followed it.

Heritage, not hate!

(Except for the fact that it was a heritage of hatred...)

My biggest issue is that it celebrates a "heritage" that committed treason against the United States. The confederate flag is an un-American symbol of treason in addition to un-American values.