
Unfortunately, the Fedora has gone the way of the Hitler mustache, I'm afraid. It might have once been a perfectly legitimate facial hair choice, but it's now forever tainted by the association. Same with fedoras.

Why can't you?

This author is a commentator on the notorious right-wing National Review Online. Surprise fucking surprise.

It means not-trans. Narrow-minded bigots might call it "normal".

What does it matter if it makes him "gay" or not in the first place? It's only an issue to these macho, homophobic men for whom calling someone "gay" is the ABSOLUTE WORST INSULT YOU COULD EVER CALL SOMEONE. I get the article's argument about why it's technically not correct, but why does anyone give a fuck anyway?

Because colleges are ruled by big money, just like everything else, and tend to want to sweep everything under the rug that makes them look bad?

Nice, though I do prefer the early demo version of "Marooned". It originally had lyrics and was titled "Us and Them".

Rock is dead, I insist on listening to Roll music.

Just wait, Comcast will soon charge you $2.50 for every movie you watch on Netflix. This will be in addition to your monthly Netflix membership fees, and cable bill.

I was going to star you, because I agree about redundancy, but you had to go and finish that off with a hashtag, which I find just as irritating (especially since Gawker media DOES NOT SUPPORT that functionality). So, no star for you.

You're being too complex and thoughtful for the anti-2nd Amendment crusaders. That kind of logic sails way over their head.

I like to refer to the opposite of "grammar Nazis" as "grammar anarchists". You know, the ones who argue that there shouldn't be any rules because language CHANGES, MAAAAAN, and therefore anything goes. Using no punctuation is fine, not knowing the difference between "your" and "you're" is fine (because it's SO

I'm not sure exactly how this relates to what I posted. I'm arguing that there really are no "hipsters", it's just a word people use to deride whatever subculture personally annoys them.

I suppose the deniers MIGHT take this as evidence of a conspiracy, and dissenting voices being shut out. Not that they're right, but that's probably how they'll interpret this.

+1 for "cuntbubble". exactly is embracing environmentalist policies going to kill even one person?

Yes, thank you. This is exactly what I'm saying.

Does the word "hipster" even mean anything anymore?

I'm not trying to stereotype sports fans as juvenile morons - OK, I am NOT trying to do that, understand? I know they're not.

How about building things that enrich communities? Improve neighborhoods, maybe? Make life better for the non-rich people living there? Maybe improve some existing structures? Fix bridges and roads maybe? How about people put their minds to THAT? I find that more worthy than putting all that time and money into