
I'm pretty sure he said both, if you were paying attention.

Yup. Just watch the reaction when a left-wing celebrity criticizes America's imperialist foreign policy. THEYRRRR TRAITORS, PROSECUTE THEM FERRR TREASON. The most ironic thing being, anti-government speech is the very thing that the First Amendment was REALLY designed for. I'm not so sure bigotry was.

I wonder what percent of the right-wingers whining about Phil Robertson's "free speech" call for left-wing celebrities to be prosecuted for treason whenever they say anything remotely critical of America.

George Carlin was not on board with racism, homophobia, and bigotry, and how DARE you invoke him to defend this idiot.

I love when all you bigot-defenders reduce the graveness of bigotry by just calling it "opinions one does not like or agree with". No, actually, it's a little bit worse than that.

No, it is NOT the peak of irony. Being intolerant of the intolerant is not hypocrisy, it's consistency. You see, if you are FOR tolerance, then it logically follows that you should be...get this...AGAINST people who are NOT for tolerance! I know, hard concept.

The only difference if someone shit in Sarah Palin's mouth would be the direction of flow.

I defended Bashir from the beginning. Fuck Sarah Palin.

And this has absolutely NOTHING to do with the First Amendment, because it was a private entity, not the government. Move along, nothing to see here.

"Do you think their going to convince someone to their views if someone doesn't already feel that way?"

Slippery slope arguments are a logical fallacy.

Yup. It's chilling that so many people seem to be more bothered by attempts to fight against bigotry than they are by the bigotry itself. It's very telling.

Good! Let's drive it WAY underground. Let's drive it to such dark corners that no decent person has to encounter it, and let it stay there, in the bowels of the Internet and on the fringes of society. The rest of us can move on.

Thank you for that.

It's hating THE HATERS. If you can't see the difference, you're mentally deficient.

Being tolerant does not mean having to tolerate the intolerant. And OBVIOUSLY, the people you are addressing do care, so your "Who the fuck cares?" question is pretty fucking stupid.

You know, it IS possible to be upset about more than one thing at once. Just sayin'.

Yes, hating the people who hate gay people is exactly the same as hating gay people. Idiot.

My favorite is when they say that if you're truly tolerant, you have to tolerate intolerance.

Well, OBVIOUSLY they HAD to bring the show back, because canceling it would be a violation of his free speech rights and therefore illegal on A&E's part! Am I getting this right? I've been told the First Amendment protects you from ANY CONSEQUENCES AT ALL, so I just want to make sure my understanding is correct.