Or that old favorite: "Life isn't fair". A statement always said by exactly the type of people who work to ensure that it isn't.
Or that old favorite: "Life isn't fair". A statement always said by exactly the type of people who work to ensure that it isn't.
I bet they were also against abortion, huh.
Ya I know. For one thing, I learned that most women had pubes.
Good. Schools have absolutely no business telling students how they can and can't wear their hair.
If they're not worth responding to, why are you responding to them at all?
Playboy is obsolete in the age of free Internet porn. Sooner or later, they're going to have to accept it.
I hate to give this idiot any credit, but I have to agree on one point: Looking up someone's post history as a response to a debate is fucking bad form, and childish. It's one step above stalking. Respond to the argument being made in THIS THREAD, and none other.
The very phrase "playing the race card" is highly disgusting. As if all minority people have a literal card that they carry around in their belt and "play" when it's to their advantage. Like life is some sort of strategy game, and they're analyzing what's on the table, waiting for the right moment at which to play the…
OF COURSE she got rebuked. The racist institution will do that to you when you speak the truth about it.
"Of course, no song quite reaches the heartfelt poignancy of "Marry the Pussy," a song which not only boasts repeating the word "pussy" 56 times, but also is an actual proposal song to a woman's sex organs. Yes. A marriage proposal to a pussy."
It's bad enough everyone says "hating on" now, rather than the more correct and simple "hating", but now we say "loving on" too?
Does this guy use that same "being hit by a car" joke in every fucking list?
Hitler was once Time's Man of the Year.
You evangelical atheists are just as irritating and ignorant as the religious people you claim to despise.
She definitely does look like her dad...and it seems she turned out relatively well for having been raised by her worthless junkie of a mother.
"noticed a black person shopping, blackly."
I fully support sectioning off a portion of the wilderness in America when all the proud little Randroids can go live and not legally have to pay taxes. No roads, no bridges, no police, no fire department, no sewer...have at it! Good luck!
So, your anecdotal evidence is no stronger than my anecdotal evidence, either, so your insistence that Reddit DOESN'T suck doesn't mean that it doesn't.
I've heard this argument numerous times before, and I'm not buying it. Yes, you can find some niche-niche-niche-niche-niche subreddit that caters to your particular interests, and it might even be decent - because there are like 24 users posting on it. REDDIT AS A WHOLE is awful. Just because you can find some small…
Actually, I did spent a lot of time on /r/AskReddit. And you know what? After a while, I started to see the same questions, asked over and over again, every single day. Such as: