
Yeah, and there are SEVEN BILLION people on the planet. I think it's completely within the realm of statistical possibilities that a few million can be assholes, and to like to gather in a place where their special brand of assholery is tolerated and encouraged.

Not much difference honestly. Two sides of the same, shitty coin.

If you've ever spent any significant amount of time there, and haven't noticed a trend toward a certain, unique, particular brand of stupidity in the culture there, then you haven't been paying attention. No, it isn't EVERY PERSON there, but that was never really the argument, and it's not an unfair generalization to

All I can think of is the tit-milk cheese that Borat tried to make Alan Keyes eat.

I disagree with the very premise that the vast complexities of human personality can be distilled down to four binary variables, and think anyone who buys into that shit is an IJIT.

On the other hand, you have universal healthcare, enlightened social attitudes, and an intelligent populace over there.

I'm with you there. She's been teaching for 30 years, which is probably longer than some of these parents have been ALIVE. I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she knows a thing or two.

The teacher said nothing wrong. And for all those saying the problem lies in her lack of tact, I really don't think it came of as all that tactless either. It was phrased no more rudely than the average office memo. Just matter-of fact. The problem is that we live in a society where it's considered a worse sin to tell

The barely-veiled bigotry in this thread is astounding.

Aww cute. A man who's responsible for thousands upon thousands of deaths, and had a big hand in making America the utter crapsack world it is today, is painting kitties. That makes it all better.

5. Be white

Weed is far, FAR better than alcohol. Far.

I hope he goes to prison and has to share a cell with a 250-pound black man with neck tattoos, a facial scar and an 11-inch wiener.

It's about time we started feeding the rich to the poor.

I first misunderstood this headline as saying that they were former groupies of Redditors. And then wondered why anyone would ever want to fuck any of the sheltered, unkempt, hairy, pit-stained, misogynist, adolescent dudebros that comprise that site's userbase.

George Carlin had it right: Golf is an arrogant, elitist, racist activity for rich pricks, and a waste of beautiful land that could be put to better use. Vast acres of land, for a game involving a tiny ball.

Knowing the way some employers are, I'm surprised your job didn't fire you for standing up for yourself and not letting the customer shit all over you.

Who gives a fuck? Why is this remarkable at all?

Are we really getting upset over Netflix reviews now? The comment section of any website is a fucking cesspool, some more than others. When everybody in America owns a computer these days, and websites are open to the public, that's what you get. Every mouth-breathing asshole has a voice now. It's distressing, yeah,

I wasn't saying you were, jackass, I was saying that a lot of people end up watching that movie and taking home the exact opposite message.