
That's why the Nazis and KKK were carrying citronella tiki torches at the rally! They were trying to wipe out mosquitos, not mosques or non-white people!

Yeah, I was on antibiotics for a month and still have a scar. The widows are annoying because they hurt and I keep waiting for my super powers

Spiders. I actually think spiders are mesmerizing examples of nature's efficiency? But I still have the scar of being bit by a Brown Recluse over twenty years ago. And I've been bit at least six times by various species of widows.

Hey Caffeine Spider! This isn't 'Nam, this is AV Club! There are rules!

This is timely. I was in a meeting last week and IM'd a coworker "Festivus has come early. We will now listen to the airing of grievances. Next up feats of strength." He offered to do the laptop toss if I could do the throwing of coffee.

Good to know! I just watched the first ep, and liked it a lot but wasn't so on fire that I felt the need to binge it. This gives me a goal.

The Halloween episodes were the BEST! It's hard to pick a favorite but Dan as Anne Boleyn and Becky as Tippy Hedron in the birds were both huge favorites.

Was then. Is now. I have always been in love with him.

Yeah, I was a bit horrified when I didn't even have to pause to figure out that acronym.

I kept staring at the motorcycle still wondering how they got 90s era Ray Liotta to be in this?

In the early seasons she was the blonde waitress that worked with Roseanne at the Rodbell's Diner.

As long as they bring back the chicken t-shirt/sweatshirt/apron, I'm all in.

A few days ago, before I'd even heard about this and for absolutely no reason I can discern, I started singing the "They're Beckys!" Song that they did as an episode end cap with both Beckys. Maybe I'm psychic. Or just psychotic.

I should look if it's streaming. One thing I miss after cutting cable are nostalgia watch marathons I'd stumble across when I should be doing other things.

That would be amazing!

I have had a massive crush on John Goodman since Roseanne and ongoing in everything else he does. And James Gandolfini (RIP). I apparently have a type. Big, imposing, dudes with twinkly eyes and a wicked sense of humor…. hmmmm.

A million upvotes for the best Muppet metal band of all time. The Nightmare!

I've heard of and seen this done, but I always thought it was a New England thing, especially in Vermont. But I've had apple pie that way in NY. If it's a really sharp cheddar it's good! But I don't think I've ever heard it consider a WI thing until this thread.

A friend of mine read this back when it came out and kept going on and on about how amaaaaazing it was and I had to read it. I told her repeatedly I was definitely not interested. Then she sent me a copy. I skimmed it a bit and confirmed I was very not interested. She still occasionally asks if I've read it. It went

To make people like me snort laugh when that scene happens?