
I went yesterday and happily have leftover biscuits and hashbrown casserole! But while wandering around with my friend's daughter in the shop? Yep, this would have fit right in. Next to the wooden block that said "Duct Tape! The Possibilities Are Endless!"

Yep, I was rewatching old Top Chef Masters episodes and season three has Hugh!

After watching the episodes that aired Friday night I really wanted more, so I re-watched the season on Netflix all day. It was so soothing to have on while puttering around. Someone get the rest of the unaired seasons please!!!!

OK so American viewers shouldn't read this thread since you tell us who won the season we're currently watching, And I also saw who the final three are. OK then. Not like I'll stop watching, this show is like delicious Valium, I just wish PBS or Netflix would hurry up and get the rest of the seasons.

And Jeremy can see him, because they had the conversation about his demotion. Jael can see him because she tried to flirt with him at the Powder Puff football game. Beth Ann can see him because she asked his advice before deciding to take Rachel's. It's entertaining but Coleman has interacted with quite a few of the

Actually, Sadie's husband Johnny was driving Christine. A bit late to the party but I just finished this yesterday, starting back up with the episode "The Truth" and Johnny's car is parked in front of the house. But I believe you're correct that like Johnny and Frank showing up in the sprint, Christine was the car

Oh man. I got to the Sadie death in the book while reading on a break at work! I thought I was going to have to leave. I'm sitting out in the courtyard trying not to ugly cry and people keep kind of looking over not quite sure what to do.

Chet if the embodiment of the meme "God grant me the confidence of a mediocre white man"

Same here, and as soon as I realized what Boo said I knew it would be hilarious because poor Doggett NEVER gets her references.

Maybe that's how court ladies rolled with brunch in the 1700s? 7am? I know it's not how they roll now, I just got back a week ago, and my friends and I didn't roll up on brunch until 1:30PM LOL.

Sigrid seems really bored and spoiling for a fight. There are a couple of commmenters in this thread that perplex me greatly. I'm all up for a lively debate but this is bordering on absurdest.

Thank you for putting this so well. I'm a huge feminist and I get that this is fiction so anything is possible. But I'm also a huge history nerd and in this society at this time Claire is not going to be running into few if any woman like here. And the examples given are pretty great regardless. She's a sessenach

Not that this is contributing much to the conversation of the show, I'm just now catching up. That being said. You? I really like you!

So why do you keep watching and commenting? It seems like you're using this message thread to work out some issues about "chicks", your mother, some weird thing about 'blacks', Germany, Buffy and weirdly enough Gwen Stefanie? in post after post. If you don't like the show stop spending so much time watching the show

She's now Kitty Litter Shill Heigl.

This is hilariously brilliant!

OMG, I was imaging this as being full on horrible, but it's even worse than that. And Melissa George is an even worse actress than I remember.

I just have never found her good, much less compelling in anything I've seen her in. She's one of those people that every time she turns up again I think "Shit, someone is still trying to make her happen?" She probably is a nice enough person, but she is a terrible actress.

I always disliked the character because I thought she was annoying, but after her TWO little runaway attempts I flat out hated her. She acted like Samuel dying only happened to her and never ever thought about Jackson at all. Watching Jackson smash up the nursery renewed my total hate for April. (Well as much as I'm