That’s definitely a caribou.
That’s definitely a caribou.
So many questions. What does North Korea think it gains by going to the Olympics? What does the IOC gain by letting them? Seriously, I don’t get it, and I can’t fit it into that convenient box of “corrupt officials were bribed” since South Korea seems to be behind it. Halp.
Sandwhich hack: put your toaster on bagel mode, so it only toasts one side. Make that the inside so you get the crunch without cutting your mouth. Actually works best in a toaster oven, or broiler (I don’t have room for appliances) but this revelation changed my sandwich-life, stg.
Anyone want to take this one on? I’m curious too if a system like that would have any defenders/rejecters/complicators....
I don’t think that’s what smarktalk is saying. OP is saying hold people accountable, but also be willing to forgive once time (money, service, whatever) is served. You’re describing people who just aren’t held accountable. Not the same.
A document like that, the black book of bad behaving people to be circulated among the virtuous, isn’t just a painful instantiation of attempts to reform how we report sexual misconduct/harassment/assault (or any abuse of power), as you suggest; it is poisonous. I think you’re getting at that point, but it’s not…
True but with that same line of thinking, the HBP doesn’t matter at all if what comes after it is Lindor’s bomb cutting foul and then him popping up to end the inning on the next pitch. Game goes on, Girardi’s call is unexamined, Yanks maybe win. Once we start thinking this way it’s just a giant guessing game.
This is a better take than I’ve seen, with the exception of what’s all over The Athletic, but I think you’re wildly understating how important hindsight is with this take. This is *not* the play of the game. Indians win probability only moves 1.5 points, from 6.2 percent to 7.7 percent when Chisnehall loads the bases…
I had the same thought when I saw the firing/resignation: of course he’s going down in flames because, whether he mean to or not, he tried to inflate labor costs and that won’t be tolerated.
I’m sure this has been said elsewhere, but you guys gotta fix these new vid adds at the top. I can’t friggin scroll down for more than a second without being snappned back to the top, and have to type blind for comments. It won’t hold my page position.
False comparison! False comparison! The real question needs to include that the dunkers dribble! That is part of the dunk. Otherwise you’re comparing a thing any tall person can do to a thing that requires a lot of skill.
Hey Deadspin, can I get some analysis here? Please/thank you
Yeah, I’m with you, the Times is awful. It hurts to admit it, but there’s no way around it right now. We just canceled ours this month when we realized we threw out 1/3 of the paper immediately (Real estate [which has *the* most offensive reporting I’ve ever seen], Arts/Leisure/Living/Food [which is similarly tone…
Wait were you serious about that spider thing you posted or was that a joke. I took it as a joke. Tell me this is a joke and you don’t actually want to see any of this...
Agreed that Wahoo has to go and yesterday, but god damn please cut the spider talk, I’m begging you. This is so obviously a terrible idea, but I’m worried that the more people joke about it, the more Dolan is likely to say, “Heyy, Not A Bad Idea.” I would rather see the return of historical team names like “Cleveland…
Fuck off, he’s trotting right into the shadows when he misses that. Could happen to anyone. I get the sox jokes and I’m not some dumb homer. This is just a bad take.
You deadspin guys and gals are idiots, but your *my* idiots and I love you.
Looks like Douglass, no? I don’t see a second stem on what would be your ‘h’ in ‘daughter.’