

Yes, they are who you think they are, who they show you they are.

“People can’t even go have a nice meal without being harassed, run out,” Brattin said.

Jordyn Woods has -

A reminder that her district is so crazy, that her Dem opponent withdrew fearing for the safety of his family, because she sent her little flying monkeys at him. She then went on to win the district with 75% of the vote.

Example #1,395,244 that the GOP is no longer a political party, but some ultra-destructive and unsettling cult. This woman doesn’t need to be in Congress, she needs to be under a 5150 psyche hold.

The presiding Judge Jennifer Chapman ordered that instead, witnesses in the case must wear a clear face shield

Every single one of these endorsements you covered as shady as fuck. Here we are literal hours from finding out whether we pull our democracy back from the brink or allow it to fall head-long into full-on fascism...and we get this tired Mean Girls routine for the nth time. We’re a step away from the Handmaid’s Tale

It’s like they are TRYING to increase turnout in Detroit. Black Detroiters aren’t going to be intimidated in their own damn city in their own damned convention center. They are lucky they escaped without some welts.

Poll watching by partisan observers is a normal feature in United States elections that dates back to the 18th century and is subject to various state laws and local rules.

She nailed Rule #1 of any great Beyonce medley tribute: Begin with Crazy in Love.

Ciara lookin into the camera like Megan was ON POINT. lol

But is she, though? No right comes without restrictions or limitations as shown in Minnesota the other day where his reckless ass was forced to adhere to restrictions on gatherings for once during this pandemic.

Took a bit of fixing, but fixed that for you.

Maybe she shouldn’t be a Georgia’s junior Senator, then. ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

“Republican OnlyFans” took me ALL. THE. WAY. OUT.

THAT makes sense. Thanks!

There problem here is the wording. If there was both a constitutional amendment and a statute, and the amendment was struck down and the statute repealed, that would make sense.

Okay, confused...