Important safety tip - the triptans are a bad idea for those of us migraine sufferers who are on antidepressants.
Back when I was working in IT, I’d get requests almost every week from a co-worker or my bosses to work on their personal technology—and sometimes even fix their friends’ or family members’ laptops or phones. Sometimes promises of a pizza or a small payment would be suggested, but even then it seemed inappropriate.…
What this guarantees is that he will be asked, directly, under oath about the sexual assault and he must give a direct yes or no answer to the question. That might not seem like much, but it’s a big step from lying to lying under oath.
Yes, but as someone said upthread, it will require Cosby to start actually answering questions about this rape. And that may be all she and her lawyer are after.
But the kicker is— whether or not she’s successful in proving the rape per se— now Cosby HAS to start talking about it. He’s been dodging and fudging and refusing to talk and generally not making himself look too innocent. Now he’ll have to talk.
Good for her! What I like about this, is even if they lose, he’ll have to sit through a deposition and actually answer questions. Hopefully Dickinson is in a financial place where she isn’t tempted to settle under confidential terms.
This is what I like to see — someone (and her attorney, evidently) who are willing to sit back and marinate on the topic of whether or not to sue. Usually, you find the blockheads who file suit in a hot minute, when there’s no damn rush. (I can see situations where someone wants to sue right away because perhaps they…
Bill Clinton is as devastatingly charming in person as he appears on TV. That’s all I got.
Repressed homosexuality is probably the #1 cause of conservatism / religious zealotry amongst men.
Just to clarify, Stephen A. Smith can belittle women and defend domestic violence with impunity, but Simmons can’t refer to basic anatomy?
I was about 12 when I’d decided I was going to be a Paleontologist (I’m not, btw, but that’s not the point.)
In was in the car with my mom, on my way to run an errand. She took my time in car captivity to ask 17-year-old me about a girl in town who had died from OD-ing on ecstasy. My mom asked me about “the ecstasy” and I was all snarky, like “what do you know about drugs, MOM?” [eye roll] She responded “You know, the one…
I'm so sorry. Hugs to you.
I was trying to think of a best, but I couldn’t, so I’m just going with badass-est.
My little sister came home one day sobbing and said “my friend hung himself.” My mom patted her on the shoulder and said, “hanged.”
I was adopted as a baby, and emancipated at 14 from my second family for these reasons. I find this time of year especially hard and it’s always good to know I am not alone in this.
Right I think it’s a well-deserved FU to the Queen to link Diana’s name to hers for all eternity.
I love it and I really hope Harry immediately starts referring to her as Charlie.