
At this point in time, a remake of Diablo 2 would look so incredibly similar to Diablo 3 (and hell, maybe Diablo 4?) that there just can't be a point. Did anyone play Diablo 2 for its story? I spent... shoot at least a solid year of my teens playing that battle box repeatedly and I can't fathom why anything more than

Exactly this, this isn’t even a blip for anyone until some middle management asshole looking to overcompensate gets involved.

It is quite literally the very end of a game that I guess I should not name?

Ah, well I didn’t know that! That’s extremely unfortunate, I mean... why bring Jason on if you’re going to make it difficult for him to do the thing he does?

I think that response is more because Jason’s stories like this tend to have a LOT more detail (specifically JUICY details) while this one is sort of known information beyond the 2016 start date to development.

“This represents the entire expanse of time between now and the end of days. And right about... here... we will update this game a few times."

Did yall see that roadmap? That is the funniest roadmap I have ever seen. "As time goes by, we will likely do some things BEFORE others. Thank you."

I found your kink!

This myth that PS1 FFT had no slowdown needs to die. If a summon hit anything it took half a year to finish just the same way.

100% it makes you load the disc backwards. I understand this is because the one without the disc drive is a complete PS5, so therefore the disc drive is just right there, inside that additional bump, but putting the disc in that way is just... its just wrong, man.

“Batteries are much cheaper than extra controllers”

I remember that the hype for PS2 games was for this game and Dark Cloud. One of those games is a goddamned masterpiece, and for some reason that allowed me to be happy with uh... whatever The Bouncer was. I had a lot of love for Square, man, I have no other explanation for loving this game.

Art! It's subjective.

Ive been staring at that 91 or 90 metacritic score for days, and I have yet to read a review (and none if these damn things are under 20k words) that doesn’t sound like “This game is fine sometimes, and other times I do not like it at all. There are systems in this game which are fun to ignore!”. The only difference

Brightness to the max man, my TV is in a room surrounded by windows and my home is filled with a wife and daughter and cats and dogs who want to bask in the sun whilst inside.

The only thing required for a union to happen at this point is for the top guy to push for it. As stated in the article, Hogan was not that guy. Cena was clearly not that guy. Is Roman that guy? He took a bunch of time off for covid and everyone assumed he'd get a ton of shit for that, and yet upon his return he has

You forgot the boss of 6-1, Gettinghitbyacar, who I would slot in second to last, imo.

Definitely one of the best pressings of the OH SHIT button in video game history. Right up there with A Realm Reborn and Epic deciding to slap something called a “battle royale” mode on their shitty single player long running Bombcast joke video game.

You, fellow person of good nature and outstanding taste, you I like.

You're right, they're doing this intentionally, aren't they?