Just took way too much time figuring out whether or not this is the NIT, and holy shit, I like this weird ass European soccer setup.
Just took way too much time figuring out whether or not this is the NIT, and holy shit, I like this weird ass European soccer setup.
Only a moderately important correction: You do not need to be in the heroic adventure to open the door. You can do it on patrol! All you need is to have saved Mithrax way, way, way, way f***in way back when you first started playing this abominable game I cannot get away from.
Watching these guys play does make Brown’s insistence that he’s the ‘adult in the room’ seem accurate.
Alright, but Brotherhood’s ending is absolutely ridiculous in every conceivable way too, it’s just a different kind of ridiculous. Both endings escalate so quickly it’s hard to care about what’s happening at all by the end. Which is something shounen anime/manga endings suffer from almost universally, but still.
I saw this was happening, and look, I have to watch it, but, man.
Do you wash all protein, or is this just chicken? Are you submerging steak? Are you sending that catfish filet back into the deep for one last swim before frying it?
Oh what the actual FUCK. I am literally halfway through the PS4 version because I clearly effed up my custom license board setup and there’s no reset option. God... goddamnit.
I signed the Chick-fil-A Spicy Chicken Sandwich as an undrafted free agent. Vote for me.
Do NOT play this right after 10. It reuses so many environments and assets it’ll feel like a weird ass mod rather than a sequel.
“ESPN’s Michael Wilbon, host of a show literally titled Pardon the Interruption”
Somewhere, Marie Kondo smiles.
Come on, you couldn’t name the fourth Quad City, too? Bettendorf is PISSED.
Walks! They happen.
For number 2, uh, sounds like your wife wanted you out of the house? Maybe consider what removing yourself from the living situation has done to help your relationship, your home life, and maybe even your kids’ lives. Maybe that was the issue!
Guardian Ape and his friend OTHER Guardian Ape.
scratch that I enjoy fighting all but ONE enemy in the game.
I’m right at the end, clearing out Headless, and I think my biggest concern with starting NG+ is that so many of the mini-bosses and bosses from the first half of the game repeat themselves in the second half. It kinda feels like I’ve already played the NG+ version of this game. I love fighting each and every enemy in…
“Games are art”
“Everything should be for everybody” is a great idea in a majority of situations, but if you blanket the world in that thought then nothing becomes distinct, and the people who do enjoy these specific experiences lose out on the experience of doing something so many others cannot.