
No, I’d say it’s incredibly shitty because it directly relates to her trauma specifically. Like, you can have your fetish be something like step-siblings... but maybe don’t see if you can play that out with your girlfriend, who has a step-brother who routinely made uncomfortable sexual advances.

Wow, man, I don’t know. Telling your partner, who has had a hysterectomy, that your thing is acting like you got them pregnant is incredibly shitty. At best that guy is dumb as hell, at worst he’s getting off on bringing up past trauma.

Ahem uh... as to number 3... click in the right analog stick, friend.

“Everybody has doofus-ass no-range centers”

Bezelgeuse is my favorite monster in the game, I welcome his AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH with open arms.

Neither do I, so it’s good that doesn’t happen in this game!

That first time a Diablos hits you and you lose 1/3 of your health bar is definitely an oh shit moment.

Wow, this is an obvious tactic to get more eyes. That line relating the nfl’s issues with DV pretty much seals it. It worked! Smart.

It’s definitely different monsters in there, like maybe the research allowed the people to capture them regularly? So by capturing them you’re actually dooming their species to a lifetime of capture-ability. Dear god.

I’m pretty sure there’s a tranq hammer in there, dual blades have a sleep option further down the road at least. Then, if you can time it right, you can indeed smash something to sleep. Which makes sense, honestly.

You can catch every big monster rather than killing it. Then they hang out in Astrea PLUS you get more stuff. Shock Trap/Tranq Bomb.

This game is like Capcom took the mental list I have titled “Dumb shit that, if removed, could make this game perfect” and then just checked off every box. Praise this game.

Thinking about why competitions are fun to watch ends up ruining it in the end. I know way too much about what WAR is. The acronym wRC+ makes complete sense to me. And yet this has not improved my experience with baseball at all, so whenever a game comes on I just drag that bullshit stats folder into the recycle bin

This is a game made for people who can’t get into open world games, I think. The way I get distracted in open world games always drags me down into this pit where I never complete the game, or burn out on everything well before the end. In this one you always get rewarded for being distracted and you always move

And this is why you watch the match before you make your critique.

The best possible result here is that HHH rums more of WWE

She seems to have a made a completely reasonable request, and those jerks do, indeed, come off as old and out of touch.

The cognitive dissonance between trying to isolate your biggest CM PUNK chanting smarks so they don’t ruin your anniversary show, and then also having Elias go over Cena and Miz beat Roman Reigns is peak WWE.

I feel like the most likely scenario for Anthem is that it is Destiny, except it is made by BioWare (whose best efforts have produced some pretty middling battle systems but incredible stories) instead of Bungie (incredible gameplay, confusing execution everywhere else). The problem is, uh, I don’t think people play

I mean his whole take was ‘Who says no?’ which at this point is a joke Simmons is in on.