I’m pretty sure they meant it as ‘we are purging all employees who pull this bullshit’, but I understand not giving fox benefit of the doubt
I’m pretty sure they meant it as ‘we are purging all employees who pull this bullshit’, but I understand not giving fox benefit of the doubt
1) You marry someone because you, personally, want to be around them for the rest of your life. You don’t marry someone to help them. Marriage isn’t loaning someone $10 for a sandwich. That sandwich is going to be staring at you for the next 60 years. Maybe I confused my metaphors, but you get the point.
They left out the whole sentence which was “The players didn’t understand how the Triangle offense would lead to winning games.”
It’s far more likely that it’s intentional. Nomura’s games are FF7, FF8, Kingdom Hearts The Series, and half of FF15. The clear through-line to all those games is a heavy, heavy focus on the male lead being driven by his male relationships while the female lead is driven by her relationship to the male lead. Cloud…
The Souls series is a kind of spiritual successor, I think.
Wow, really buried the lede there. They killed a beautiful pun name like ThankSwalot?!
The Bulls are now... what, maybe the 3rd worst team in the NBA, depending on the New York teams? The only silver lining here is that the Bulls can’t possibly make the playoffs within the next 4 years, so by god Forman and Paxson have to be fired some time in there, don’t they? (Oh God the Bulls would just hire Hinkie)
To preface: Fck these guys and what they did.
As long as we all agree HoD is the worst of the three.
They’re still this invested in losing players who have found a way to make their game enjoyable. Niantic should go down in some kind of record book for holding a grudge this long. Do their servers still suffer because someone is using a locator to tell them a growlithe is a mile away?
The difference from HD to 4K isn’t compelling enough to prompt me to go get a replacement. Probably get one when one of mine breaks?
The FGC is in a weird spot. Some companies seem to think every game should have its own competitive league, some seem to think that there should be a league, a separate entity, that governs all fighting games, and they’re simply waiting for such an organization to appear. Honestly, of all the companies making fighters…
Yeah, wait, the guy who isn’t possessive enough considers it cheating that she sexed someone else when they weren’t dating?
I think the answer to most of these is either “Your significant other isn’t actually asking for the thing they’re asking for, maybe think a little more about this (ironically, you being this disengaged is probably the issue!)“ or “Use your words”, but that would make for a far less entertaining column.
This is a weird ass complaint. If you had to name the six biggest US pop stars wouldn’t that shit have 3 black women and three white women on it? Hell, now that everyone hates Katy Perry isn’t it 3 of the top 5? So many angles she could have taken here, and she chooses the easiest one to disprove.
Me, to my wife: “So in the new Mario I guess he uses a magical hat to possess things and use their bodies for a bit”
Alright, I feel like this was intentionally done to make a Cubs fan peek his head out of the .500 bunker, but I’ll bite: Are we really going to say the rookie with the .804 OPS and the WRC+ of 108 has had a really rough start to his career?
Year-round schools tend to have graduations that second week of June. Mine did the same, and ours was at the school. Graduation happened a few days after school let out.
I’m having a very, very hard time imagining someone looking at the S and X next to eachother in a store and choosing the X. The only people getting this have 4K TVs, no? I’m not sure if that excuses the horrible naming convention (because the only people buying an X know they want the X) or makes it worse (the…
Well, if we’re going by the ipad/cell phone comparison then you should only buy the odd numbered generations. So the XBox One... Y?