
It’s weird, I’ve looked at that, and I think it’s the weight. The buttons/spacing is almost exactly the same, but the added weight of the Switch cramps my hands more than the 3DS does. I need some JoyCon Pros. Make them grippier and better spaced and I think the hand cramping goes away.

This is what seems like the beauty of the thing so far. Everyone uses it differently, and whichever way they want to use it, it works great.

+1 daughter about to be confused

Boats Botes is Kobe Buffalomeat but punchier and more succinct. And that the two names are spelled differently really adds another layer of comedy.

Hot damn, what an article.

Pretty sure even that horrendous Kalisto promo from after the draft was better than most Spicer conferences, guys.

Trump IS rock bottom. But he’s never been HIT BY ONE.

Look at your statement. I work for Wells Fargo servicing loans. You would not fckin believe how many people just do not look at their statements. I can’t comment on Navient, but with Wells you can’t pay future interest, the system won’t even let you. Most servicers are set up with an automated logic that lets you pay

“My friends’ baby is in the hospital, I did their lawn work, and now I am filled with rage that they have yet to thank me”

I live in Iowa, the answer is no.

I’ve D/C’d a few times, which is kind of par for the course in all online games, but the worst part is the item use. Nearly every race, if not twice per race, I’ll nail someone with a shell or a shockwave and they’ll just keep right on going like nothing happened. The worst part is that it isn’t apparent something has

“The game will apparently have eight playable characters: Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Peach, and, bizarrely, four Rabbids dressed up as Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, and Peach.”

I feel like the dude asking the “Two Beers” question left out a ton of important details like to whom he claimed to have two beers. Whenever someone mentions TWO BEERS it’s normally to a cop, right?

Parks and Rec fan, Wade? Do you feel a, uh, kinship, at all, with Jerry?

The first one is my favorite traditional Zelda game. The second one goes a little more open world and adds a bit of Diablo in there, but it’s still Zelda at its core.

So you want the bad version of the Switch, then? Would you like my Wii U?

Being a Bears fan has become a game of TOP THAT wherein I say “I could not possibly be disappointed by their next decision, because this last one was so laughably bad” and Pace/Fox ask me to hold their beers.

Dad, Mom says it’s time to take your medicine.

I’m guessing some people pre-ordered Zelda but didn’t get a Switch day 1.

So this guy is a moron, basically.