
Second semester of freshman year of college, I was trying to finish Mass Effect. Got right up to the very end, maybe 5 hours left. My roommate came back drunk and, near as I can tell, looked up some weird pr0n on my laptop and then tried to start a new game in ME... and managed to write over my save file.

At first I thought “Wow, what an incredible waste of time”, but then I remembered that I played through Final Fantasy Tactics Advance twice and both times, right at the end, I realized the game was bad.

To the last guy, the best thing you can do there is to let the other person talk. I was also a video game obsessed fella in high school with only a passing interest in relationships of any kind, ‘so let me give you a video game themed analogy: You know how nobody picks a support when you play pub games in a MOBA?

“Well if HBO doesn’t like that I pirated all 6 seasons of Game of Thrones and now do not want to pay anything for it, maybe they should make something I haven’t seen, did they think about that?”

It’s a case by case basis, not even all JRPGs would fall into the same category a Persona would. For example, if I watched a stream of a Tales game, it wouldn’t make me less likely to purchase it because the merit of those games is not the story. But if I watched someone play through the first 70% of a Persona it

Agree completely. Streaming Persona games is too close to streaming movies. No way it encourages sales, best case scenario is it doesn’t take a sale away. Anyone complaining, I’d only get it if they got hit with a bad mark with no warning. But you’ve been forewarned, and you know Atlus’ history.

Every single word the Protoss use (got Starcraft as a gift at the tender age of 7), among them ‘Archon’ (Greek for ruler) and ‘Executor’ (a person who produces something or puts something into effect).

But is it a sandwich?

Who is this guy who thinks horse would taste good? Every fantasy book/movie/tv show on the planet makes a “horse tastes like shit” joke. If I can’t believe fiction, the fuck CAN I believe?

Man, if you think that’s fan service... *calls the cops*

“God really doesn’t care” “Alright” “No, I mean God cares so little that sometimes his head is a dog and sometimes it’s not” “OH”

I definitely question what kind of strange intersection of horror/science fiction/anime I live at that made me enjoy Gantz so much. I just love a series that decides what it’s going to be and goes all the way with it, and Gantz certainly... doesn’t hold anything back.

Interesting, mindfucked in what way? Like the plot was hard to follow, or “Oh god I don’t want to see or think about this”?

It gets so bad later in the manga that I stopped being able to even follow along, not because it was nonsensical, but because it was so boring my brain couldn’t latch onto who was who and why they were doing anything.

AoT has always come across to me as a bad attempt at being fantasy Gantz, but it doesn’t have the commitment to murder the ever-loving heck out of the leads and it thinks its political machinations are way, way, way more interesting than they are.

I think it’s a good idea. The stories for many are fantastic, and people miss them only because they are, indeed, anime. The problem is that these studios are trying to adapt hundreds of chapters of story into one movie (Death Note or FMA) or doing weird rewrites of anime movies (GitS). They either need to bite off

I’m not certain that’s the end game here, really. I think it’s much more likely that Finn returns and beats Lesnar for the title tonight. Reigns/Lesnar at Mania next year is a sure bet, but I don’t think that will be a direct result of this.

Yeah, after the incredible Miz segment we got 10 year old Cena coming out and responding by questioning Miz’ penis. Why. Why would I cheer Cena?

I think your bottom line is correct. It is incredibly difficult to enjoy this game in small chunks, and my kid never lets me play for more than an hour (or more likely 15 minutes).

The garlic is that bad? Is it just that the flavor doesn’t work with the kettle cooked part? That sounds like a fine ruffle.