
Nope, has nothing to do with that. Some of us don’t like the current leadership but are able to converse in a method that isn’t “YOU SUPPORT ICE AND ENFORCING IMMIGRATION LAWS? OMG YOU RACIST NAZI

It’s because Jalopnik, like the rest of this site, has unfortunately slid down into being political mouthpiece for extreme left views. Happened to the rest, jalop was just the last holdout

This is such a weird take:

Let’s look it like this

BMW’s iX3 won’t be in every market, and it’s clearly an X3 with batteries stuffed in it, which means it’s probably not all that great.

Lexus and Toyota have openly said they don’t really care for EV’s; the only EV they have is a european-only Lexus UX which has no range.

Gorgeous vehicle; it looks very French.

Clickbaity anti-GM title; sounds very Jalopnik.

As someone who has broken a window in a McLaren F1.... please don’t make the glass any thinner. 🙏

It’s glass, but very thin. Gordon wanted visibility to be a key characteristic of the T.50. Therefore, glass everywhere. 

It’s probably polycarbonate (as race cars like to use) rather than much heavier glass.

I was discussing with a friend how making your teen drive a manual makes it much harder for them to text and drive at the same time, and they have to concentrate more on the process of driving.

There’s nothing really wrong with an Encore. I visit GM dealers semi regularly and I sat in one and checked it out. They seem to be hardy little cars/crossovers/what have you.

I get Trump is a pariah but in this particular case I don’t see anything gained/lost from GM having an opinion and wonder why it would be expected by Jalopnik that they do.  It isn’t a GOYA situation.

Early versions were fun to drive too.  Overshadowed by the Fiesta ST really fast, but the RS+Turbo was a hoot for what it was.  I almost bought one once. 

I kinda dig the three-pedal RS version of these. Stumbled upon one fully blacked out at a dealer and it was handsome-ish.

I like trucks the size that full sized pickups used to be.  Late 80s to early 90s seemed to be peak truck in my book.  I even liked the mid sized dakota.  Trucks were more work oriented and then there were separate people haulers.  Modern trucks will barely fit in my driveway, let alone make the turn to get into my

If AMC had lasted a little longer or had been bailed out like Chrysler was in the late 70s, then I think AMC would have been around today instead of Chrysler.  Chrysler survived with the minivan and the Jeep.  AMC had Jeep and had visionaries that designed the “Outback” (Eagle) about 15 years before it become

Yep.  A little journalism would help us all.

Combined car payments for me and my husband were $1235/month, this was 10% of take home pay, not gross, take home. It may seem like a lot, but we are staying in our more modest house and not worried about keeping up with the Joneses, we just buy what we like.  That said, we paid off one car in 3 years, and the other

This will probably be controversial, but personally I’d consider anything pre-airbag to be basically worthless except as a collector’s item or a toy to occasionally cruise around in on sunny weekends. I love these Toyotas, but I don’t see them as that kind of vehicle. I would love to have a small, simple, honest

I haven’t heard anyone from GM pronounce it but if I was going to guess I’d say it’s pronounced “Celes-teek” and Lyriq being just like lyric but just go try and copyright an established word.

That’s probably a typo, and you likely meant to add a word in there somewhere, but I just love that statement. It perfectly encapsulates my feeling when I see an enormous pickup. From now I’ll just gaze up in awe and say: Wow. That is very truck.

How can the new EV Hummer be “too little too late” when the EV market makes up a tiny tiny sliver of total auto auto sales?