@squeakel: It sounds very scary though, I wonder what's in it to make the lashes grow? I'd be worried about more serious side effects than eye-colour change.
@squeakel: It sounds very scary though, I wonder what's in it to make the lashes grow? I'd be worried about more serious side effects than eye-colour change.
@Allabouteve: I agree with you about how she handled her divorce, I really like Nicole Kidman. Not many celebrities manage to be as private as she is. She just seems so reserved in the last few years, which may be pure projection based on her more serious film roles since the divorce, combined with the botox. I think…
I hope Nicole Kidman's new manager does turn her image around. Young Nicole seemed like such a free spirit, it seems light years from her persona now.
@Diadorina: With a marriage sack. I saw Borat do it to Pamela Anderson.
Why limit it to 2010 Spencer?
Jessica, I have to ask, did you show this to your boyfriend, and if so what did he say?
@quitelikely: It might be mcKeith in disguise. She'll go to any lengths to learn about people's poo.
Of course Jan, you had nothing to do with it. It was all Marcia's fault. Marcia Marcia Marcia!!
@NefariousNewt: It's okay, no one would dare stalk Will Ferrell. He's got Pearl by his side.
@bananaballs: Yeah, but they might crash later on, unless they also get more nutritious food along with it.
@femme-bot: Yup, plus my nipples can poke through any bra. It's quite astounding in a way.
I've found my boob twin. Complete with bionic nipples that will not be hidden. Plus, I think bras suck.
@Dodai: That's alright, you were right when you said it was a beautiful dress that would last me for years and that my credit card would understand since it was so pretty and Parisian looking.
So does dotting your i's with little circles lend credence to or diminish your claims of battered woman syndrome? I hope AP sheds some light on this
Ah human Barbie, I'm so glad you decided to emulate Jordan in every way.
@dodai: Thank god I hate everything in this. I'm still working on forgiving you for making me buy a dress from the last Anthro catalogue.
Because with English weather it's only a matter of time. Good girl Hollins, be prepared I always say.
@Highsmith: I rearly believe that with a bit of atushion to detail, you can become an expert asset, with a good body of work behind you.
@likepenguins: I do think you're right in that respect, there is a nasty element to some groups within the world overpopulation movement, that believes the world is overpopulated by poor black and brown people, while white Europeans and Americans are just fine. Overpopulation is also used to explain poverty in…
@Highsmith: It is true I fell behind in my assignments. I do hope it won't affect my carear.