@Highsmith: Look, I don't mean to be cheeky, butt this conversation is becoming a total f'arse. We're going to have to stop making these cracks. Sorry for being a total bummer.
@Highsmith: Look, I don't mean to be cheeky, butt this conversation is becoming a total f'arse. We're going to have to stop making these cracks. Sorry for being a total bummer.
@Highsmith: Butt you just made one!
I guess the ass was always greener on the other side.
Assertainly can't argue with this.
@SouthernSatine: Ditto on the anti gluten parade. I used to have terrible IBS before I (mostly, I still cannot say no to cake) gave it up. I think I might be celiac, since I get B vitamin deficient if I slip up and start eating it again.
@samarkand: I have those same fears wrt to stomach cancer. It's killed my grandfather and auntie on the same side of the family. I should really get a scope to check myself out, because I'm worried I've done some serious damage with my milk allergy and my (suspected) celiac disease. Good call on the going veg, a diet…
@Annabellie: OMG! Yes, everyone knows 'lol's are added to the end of a sentence.
Those links were seriously short on dirt n' details.
@moonkitten: I got rushed into hospital once with suspected appendicitis for the exact same reason. After x-rays, blood tests, and a very long wait they told me 'eat less bread and drink more water'. I was about fifteen, and it was actually years later before I realised the problem was actually constipation. Yup, I'm…
Eat some apples. If that's too hard on your stomach stew them (with some sugar) and then eat. Delicious, and should help you in a non-destructor way. Drink lots of water too, if you can (literally) stomach it. By the way, too much laxative remedies will make your constipation worse long term. Good luck.
It's okay Cameron, you'll never bring as much shame on your family as ol' gramps did.
@weese17: Which is probably being brought up because, rightly or wrongly, the tabloids are accusing her of undergoing liposuction and facial surgery.
@hortense: I knew I liked that lady for a reason.
Robert Patisson's vagina allergy isn't a contact one. He can touch them all he wants, he just can't eat them. It's actually quite common in young men.
@MrsNorthman: I'm so glad they're back, I stick them on top of cupcakes, they're a really cute (and delicious and cheap) decoration.
@lizae: I'd say it might depend on how long you have PCOS before it's diagnosed. The longer it goes untreated, the less likely your system is going to respond to lifestyle changes, while if it's diagnosed early enough a change in diet might accomplish a lot. I'm sorry to hear you have it, it seems like a horrible…
@sarah.of.a.lesser.god (aka Mrs. BrutallyHonestHobbit): I never understood how neither Reese nor her handlers knew that Kirsten Dunst had worn it before, unless it looked really different IRL. Maybe they don't read as many trashy magazines as me.
@BeRy51: You should read Fashion Babylon, it's a bit like ragtrade/Tatiana's anonymous model column made into a book.
@yet i: Oh I know Oprah picks good books, that's why my categories for popular books were crap books, Harry Potter, and book club recommendations. Forgot to mention Twilight (thanks Beautilation), although they could be filed under trashy crap!
@elisa: I know, between her and Jackie Collins, being a trashy author sounds like great fun.