@Understater: You're right. I also forgot to mention if it's endorsed by Oprah or Richard and Judy.
@Understater: You're right. I also forgot to mention if it's endorsed by Oprah or Richard and Judy.
@SisterMaryMartha: It's pretty disgusting how small women on TV have become. The pictures contrasting the cast of the new 90210 with the old cast really showed how the ideal body, on film at least, has changed.
@PennyFarthing: I could..but I won't.
I've never read any Danielle Steele either, but my motto with books is if that many people read it, it's probably crap or Harry Potter.
@OverratedUnderwhelmed: Oh I realise that, and I'm sure age is a factor too, but when I hear of someone like Nicole Kidman, who is incredibly thin struggling to conceive, the first thing I think of is that she should gain some weight before resorting to IVF. Being underweight really affects your fertility.
It's an insensitive thing to say to someone, but I do think that the 'fertility problems' many Hollywood actresses have is probably due in large part to their tiny frames. Some women can get preganant and maintain a healthy pregnancy while underweight, but most cannot.
Let's not forget about this.
I remember hearing that Calvin klein has it in for Hilary Swank over the dress she wore when she won the Oscar for Million Dollar Baby. Calvin Klein spent weeks making and fitting the dress she was supposed to wear, and she never told them she had decided to switch dresses. Rumour has it she bought it two weeks before…
@orale_odelet: Now I have that stupid Barney song stuck in my head..'If all the raindrops were lemondrops and gumdrops, oh what a rain that would be, standing outside with my mouth open wide...'.
I would regard someone throwing chocolate at me as a reward. I must be missing something here.
@TheLemon: This needs to be promoted stat!
@Aaron Martin-Colby: Ah, I see you've played knifey-spooney before.
My baby will be able to do all of those things. If I ever decide to have a baby it will be the most awesome baby the world has ever seen.
@notsodarling: But everything on the Brady Bunch was real. Are you suggesting it was scripted?
The bit about Katie Holmes being 'prepared' for another baby made me picture Tom Cruise and a spooky coven stirring a big cauldron, while rubbing their hands in glee about the pretty new child she would have soon.
@elisa: Yeah, she seemed so cute and poppy! Plus, I was really impressed when I read how young she was when she wrote Play. That's an amazing achievement, not just writing it, but shopping it around too.
@londoner: But it's got what plants need!
@EarlyGrey: Well it's possible that demographically this site skews faster. The other alternative is people are doing online or book IQ tests, which can give you mad high IQ scores. I think IQ scores are irrelevant anyway, it doesn't measure hard work, determination, or an ability to critique things, which I think are…
@dukes_up: God what an asshole. I really hate that particular meme. It's so insulting and dangerous. Maybe Africa is underdeveloped because of the extensive colonisation over the centuries.
@GGobsessed: That's an excellent point. The really smart men have always got away with it! Take that blowhards!