badly drawn girl

@femme-bot: It's like how U2 is made up of working-class Dubliners. Note to Bono, being from the northside doesn't mean you're working class.

@Stellanova: I knew some people who were part of the genetics end of the lab in trinity, I did a summer project with them. I'm just nosing around!

@magstheaxe: Valproic acid is a HDAC inhibitor, and therefore has an impact on the epigenetic regulation of a number of genes. I think that epigenetics will be seen to have a huge influence on the development of autism. One of the more consistent findings of retrospective studies is of low levels of vitamin b6 among

@Scoldy Lox: I always knew she was derivative.

Ah go on..just a little sip..

@magstheaxe: I know, but peer review isn't a perfect system. An article is generally only sent to a few reviewers before being published, and papers are generally only redacted if they contain fraudulent information. Of course scientists themselves will individually judge a paper to their own standard before they

@toadie tantrum: Yup he's a total hypocrite. I hate how he lectures people on the world's problems, and then pals around with George Bush and Tony Blair. The three of them were just using each other for the publicity.

@Hazey Jane: Yes, I can see it being really funny as well. It's reminding me of the teacher's lounge scene in Lost.

@Awestruck: That's amazing. It must be weird for her if she still reads Jez, and hears people criticising her. I wonder if she still does.

@Penny: I always thought the old wives tale was that boys age you. It's all crap anyway, you will look fabulous no matter which sex you spawn.

@orangeroughy: You would think at the very least the production crew who weren't drinking would have stopped them from moving him. I hope there is legal action against the production crew over this.

@Triana Orpheus: It's scary that this incident is being used for entertainment and drama. If they are going to show it, the very least they could do is pair it discussions of the ramifications of drunken violence. Watching this must have been sickening for you.

@Stellanova: Does your friend work with Michael Gill in James' by any chance? Autism is definitely a multifactorial genetic disorder, but I think that there is often an environmental component that can 'tip' the balance, and cause someone to be fully autistic rather than just someone with endophenotypes of autism.

@BrookeD: He's 29 in March, he's older than me. He's a lot better now than he was when he was younger, then he was very aggressive and withdrawn. He literally never acknowledged my presence as a child. Now he'll come up and hug me, and he tries to interact with everyone. For instance if there's a funny story he will

Shiloh is all, suck it bitches, with my bone structure I can do whatever I want!

@magstheaxe: As I clarified, I don't believe vaccines have anything to do with autism, I was pointing out how studies can be biased to illustrate a different point.