badly drawn girl

@MTmom: That's supposing he stopped screwing around when he got married though. Betcha he didn't.

@Highsmith: Excuse me, but you forgot to mention one little thing-CAIPIRINHAS.

@GreyEyedAthena: I remember working in a shoe shop years back, when a mother came in with her toddler. The girl was perfectly cute, and being a small child was playing with the shoes, trying them on, meaning no harm. The mother grabbed the child, whacked her, and shouted 'don't do that' at the terrified child. I felt

@annewithaneee: Not smug, don't worry about that. You hit on an interesting point there with your expamples of calling a child names or stupid. Those are equally if not more damaging than spanking a child. I remember a classmate of mine worrying that their parents wouldn't think their drawings or crafts were good

@Penny: Wait, are you Courtney Cox?

Terry cloth sweatpants with 'witty' slogans on the derriere. Trés classy.

Let me be the first to say I welcome our new feminist overlords.

@beatrice2000: Exact same with me! I'm definitely allergic to milk, and have some problem with wheat, but I'm not sure if I'm coeliac. It's so nice feeling normal when I give up wheat, it makes it easier to stay away from it. I sometimes worry what damage I've done to myself having eaten it for so many years though.

@quesavoysavoy: I was so confused by "domestecutives", I briefly thought it was referring to female detectives a la 'The No 1 Ladies Detective Agency'. Damn my slow brain today.

@quatrevingtquatre: Is it just me, or does Lindsay's face remind anyone of Tara Reid here? I think it's something about the eyes.

@coolcooldame: That sounds heartbreaking,I'm so sorry for you. Speaking as someone who doesn't know you, I would feel the same as you in that situation, but I think you're friends and family are right. You're only in your early twenties, you don't need this burden, particularly since you've already been through this

Manhattan? Gustavia? Lindsay, you know you're supposed to be holed up in Essex, waiting to come out and entertain me in Celebrity Big Brother. You promised!

@DrOttoScratchansniff: You're so smart. I wore a dress and incredibly high heels to my christmas party. I was fine until I got locked out and spent three hours waiting for someone to wake me up and let me in. In the snow, as we got our first snowfall that night. I was so cold!

@Vidya108: It's not a myth, but it definitely isn't the whole story. You should never limit your calories too much or you'll encourage your body to hold onto fat. Food is also not just fuel, you also need it for nutrients, so different foodstuffs will be used by your body in different ways. You should also be careful

@Le Kangourou de Kataroo: I'm mainly gluten free now for the last few months, and it feels amazing. I'm not going to totally avoid wheat because I don't want to become too sensitive too it. The funny thing is I eat a lot more food now, and I wasn't eating unhealthily before, and I lost a good bit of weight. I'm

@sayah: I have my boyfriend for that. I come from a long line of despicably messy people, while his family are neat feaks. He pretty much follows me around picking up things. I can't wait till we move in together. A clean house and I can pay him back with delicious meals!

@redparchment: That's nuts. I don't see what's wrong with smoking outdoors. It's not impacting on anyone unless you're blowing smoke directly into someone's face, which would just make you an asshole about to be punched. It's outside! It will be dispersed by the air. Indoors it's a different matter as it directly

@Alys Brangwin has a huge talent: I remember a professor told my class he used to smoke in the lab. Our class was just incredulous that people could do that. He insisted it was fine back then, which seems madness. It's bizarre how social mores can change so rapidly. Ireland was the first country to institute a

@la.donna.pietra: I got addicted from working in a pub with low ceilings and a lot of smoking. I soon began to enjoy the smell of smoke when near a smoker and smoke when I was drunk. Luckily, cigarettes are so nasty I only smoke when I'm very drunk. But I had never taken a puff before starting that job or even thought

@sayah: She could be just the civilising influence that young lady needs!