@badmutha: Pshaw! Everyone knows it's right next to Genovia.
@badmutha: Pshaw! Everyone knows it's right next to Genovia.
@regazza_di_lupo: I think it's fairly sensible in Ireland. No smoking indoors in any workplace as it endagers workers' health. You can smoke in outdoor areas or areas which qualify as 'outdoors' due to percentage roof coverage (I'm a bit sketchy about the details). So you can eat outdoors and smoke or smoke in a beer…
@regazza_di_lupo: I never thought the smoking ban would work in Ireland, but it's been really succesful. I work in a pub part time, where the regulars smoke heavily and even they like the ban. The difference in air quality is fantastic. I used to stink of smoke coming home from work, it was such a revelation when I…
@sara-without-an-h: Same in Newcastle. It's a strange phenomenom that occurs as you go farther north.
Ohmigod get out of the water you mad ladies-it's freezing!
Ooh, Jen should hire Gunther as the manager. Gunther wearing a sombrero.
@netfe: Like the onion headline 'Perky Canada has own government, laws'.
@lostingenerica: Americans do the opposite. I work part time in a bar and a lot of Americans don't tip abroad because they don't think they need to. Not as bad as the English though!
@modest_expectations: I know someone who actually got through Heathrow and Dublin airport with a small wrench in his bag. It was for fixing laptops and he forgot to take it out. Of course his wife had her wrapped duty free clinique bought in Dublin confiscated in Heathrow. Nice priorities. Charles de Gaulle has the…
@cantankasaurus rex: Yeah, that's not why they're fighting those wars. The US/British governments care a lot more about pipeline access than those poor Afghan women.
I wouldn't be happy with this. I don't give a crap about modesty, but why should people be exposed to all that radiation? It's not safe, especially for frequent flyers who will be exposed to greater doses of radiation.
@CurtCole: I saw a diet book once called what would Jesus eat? I'm guessing it involved many loaves and fishes. And wine.
@gangey: I was a Kirsty, yet I still thought Kirsty was a sucky character. I've no idea why, but as a kid I hated her.
@Sunshineyness: But how will they explain why Staceys expensive hairstyle smells of rotten eggs? Babysitter's Club in where I learned that they stink.
@SheelaNaGig: That's cheating! You can't have both :)
Sarah Palin. Real American huntin' with Putin.
jenny mccarthy: Big boobs and I cured autism! (sorry, that was very mean!)
Jeremy Piven:I shouldn't have eaten that tuna!
@sayah: I'm reading this in a cockney accent for some reason. I'm a real designer, I am!
@sara-without-an-h: I've woken up on a workday thinking it's the weekend before. Does that count? Granted, it didn't seem as enjoyable as the former.