Bad Kuchi Kopi

The Supes are strong but they are not invincible, not even Homelander. Most of them are just tougher than the average human but can still be taken out with enough bullets. Neuman doesn’t want to stage a one-woman coup because she knows that she will be the first person more savvy individuals will point the finger of

Daemon might have just mentioned Daeron’s dragon, I can’t remember exactly either. But yeah, baby Aegon and Viserys were still very little babies when we last saw them probably less than a week ago in show-time.

I actually didn’t even consider this, but now that you’ve said it, it sounds very obvious. 

I thiiiiiiink Daemon mentioned Daeron/ his dragon in his expository rundown of all the claimed and wild dragons last season. And we did meet baby Aegon and Viserys last season, though I’m sure we’ll all have to re-explain them to our moms when they pop up again. Or they’ll just go overboard with 11th hour foreshadowing

I must of missed that, what happened?

That’s ok, bucko, you obviously have missed some things but that’s ok because you’re just a lil guy! Hopefully when you grow up you’ll understand what’s going on. For now, you’ll probably want to stop talking about grown up stuff and focus on coloring inside the lines.

I think the sounds of Cheese and Blood sawing off the kids head was more gruesome than seeing the actual killing. It was well done.

Plus we’ve literally done pizza gate. Right down to a crackpot with a gun showing up demanding to see the alleged children that starlight has locked up.

Ssssssooooo...Jeffrey Dean Morgan is just a hallucination to Butcher? Right? The show hasn’t outright said it, but his character is fitting all the Tyler Durden tropes. Morgan’s character is suspiciously never seen with anyone but Butcher, and every word out of his mouth feels cobbled from Butcher’s own subconscious.

Yeah and it seemed to skip over the younger boy entirely, though I think Aegon says, “they killed them” in the preview for next week. 

Maybe, but I don’t think people who ship take shipping half as seriously as people who are against it. I’m fine with platonic relationships, but I don’t see the harm in shipping for fun.

Blood and Cheese being initially sent after Aemond is a really weird change.

The sound of the killing was almost worse than seeing it. 

“I'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one of them" as the old bumper sticker goes. 

Well, Cheese IS a rat catcher...he’s just pretending that’s why he’s there at that moment.

You realize plenty of actors have stayed the same this whole time besides Criston?What’s with the obsession over him in particular?”

Can I just say the intro is waaaaay better now? I get the whole bloodlines angle last season but it was fairly bland. This? They went with a semi Baylax Tapestry kinda look and I’m a real sucker for that.

The book had Daemon going straight for it and ordering the death of a toddler and an infant. It softens Daemon and adds logic where there wasn’t any, to have him ordering Aemond’s death. It’s a big change in his character because book-Daemon is completely colored by the fact that he knowingly murdered very little

I actually do think that particular child murder on screen would have been too much for many viewers, and cutting away was the right choice.

Saw what you will about Warner Bros. Discovery, but John Oliver doesn’t have to put up with this shit on HBO.