Bad Kuchi Kopi

It was. be fair I never understood “puffy shirt = gay” to be the joke there. I didn’t see any suggestion of that. They just said it looked stupid.

I can’t wait to root for the side that contains of Joffrey 2.0, Bearded Machiavelli, Ser Incel McMurderface, Creepofinger, Anime Eyepatch Villain and Green Mean Girl.

I guess the blond girl is alright?

On the other hand the other side has niece-fucking wife murderer uncle, so that’s something

They’ve decided not to replace Chance Perdomo. They’re rewriting the scripts so Andre dies offscreen.

I get the feeling this guy might take acting very seriously. Probably not though. 

I should probably not find it so funny that he was so sick of the show & role that he tried to improvise the character committing suicide 

I mean, if he’s secretly concerned that he’d have to shave his mustache, I’m sure they could write it into the script or just spend millions of dollars an episode to CG it out.

This is the biggest apology Canadians have made about a celebrity since this happened:

Props to Whedon, he successfully kepy he rancid behavior under relative wraps until one man decided to hold his ground and fuck his day up. I know others tried but Ray Fisher pulled out the stops to burn that mans ass. Good for him.

Now we know why Republicans are so against having four seasons.

I’ll always remember him as his most memorable character, The Stapler.

I’m getting the vapors just thinking about it.

it’s not even adventurous, it’s just doing the same thing with a different name haha.

This should be Avengers 6

If you are a Star Trek fan, you have to know about Wil Wheaton’s early experience with people who hated Wesley Crusher.

Yeah I loved MOM in theatres. The backlash has always confused me. A friend complained that the film did not contain “the correct cameos” and therefore was bad. It was even super short it was like a fun little rollar coaster ride that didn’t over welcome it’s stay. Zombie-Strange was solid too.

As much as I don’t understand it either, a lot of people are dumb enough to believe what they see on TV. Honestly it’s wild, I know.

Oh no papa I couldn’t possibly think of a movie, it makes me ever so tired. Oh, can you just imagine it? I shall have to retire to the fainting couch and imbibe a restorative tonic. 60 is simply too high a number, dear father, please, have one of the lads from the labor yard imagine this film instead, you know I

I am sure that Turner D. Century approves this comment.