Bad Kuchi Kopi

There was a square version of the Nano as well. (looking it up, the 6th generation was the one I’m thinking of - square with full-face touchscreen)

I dunno. Spock and T’Pring seem to get more than a little handsy.

Yeah, that's what I thought. Had a couple of them.

Yes and I miss it.

as much as i’d like Kenan’s first name to be spelled like my last name Keenan -- his first name is spelled Kenan

Which reminds me that it’s really funny that there’s a “Skip Intro” button on this series, whose “intro” is a 5-10 second title card.

I feel like there are a lot of people who see Yang and project on him all their feelings and political beliefs.

In addition to being one of the most distinctive voices in cinema

(Acoustic strum) ...Dig through the ditches (young man jerks head suddenly) ...and burn through the witches...(young man now convulsing on floor)...I slam ...(Strings soar as young man begins to bleed from the eyes, whimpering) the back of my Dragula...

That’s a great pitch

It can be two things!

You’re right, I’m just irrationally annoyed by this.

Yeah, there was a Star Trek - Aliens comic crossover that got cancelled.

I think the misdirect works in the context of Luke being at his lowest point and believing himself to be The Last Jedi and Yoda reminding him that the tradition will live on.

What would be even more confusing would be if the sound saves people. So it would be all heart-pounding action and then BWOOMP, “Oh phew, anyway what’s for lunch?

yep, Yoda’s messing with him (the most Yoda-y thing Yoda’s Yoda’d since the 80s). I still enjoy that scene for the symbolism of letting go of the books but remembering their meaning, and trusting your students to move forward with the tools you’ve given them.

Your predicted fan service...ITS A FAAAAAAKE!!!

Return of the BWOOMP