Bad Kuchi Kopi

Not like those decadent and depraved North Koreans with their dozens of state-sanctioned haircuts. 

I wish that Romulans got the same lore treatment that Klingons eventually got, and it was revealed that they had some sort of Kim Jong type leader that they’re all trying to impress.

i’d like some more info on this mysterious sexual enhancing honey please.

I swear to Christ though, if Stellan Skarsgård turns out to be a Jedi in Season 2...

Dude’s wearing an 80s yuppie bathroom.

Predator: Tattooine

They used to drop stuff at midnight, Pacific time.  I know this because I’d stay up to watch the stuff. 

The app says 9ET.

Bad Batch is a good remedy to that feeling, hardly any Force stuff going on at all in that series.

Quinto: (angrily) Do you know who I am??

Ugh, pon farr can be a nightmare... Or maybe he swapped bodies, like in Spock Amok.

It is bullshit. Anyone who brings up stim checks as the reason for inflation also believes “trickle down economics” works.

I’m of two minds about it. Yes, I get that in Muppet tradition the Muppets are “real” and they don’t like to show the puppeteers. On the other hand, why should the puppeteers be erased? I mean in animation, nobody tries to hide that the characters are voiced by voice actors or pretends that the characters are real, so

I’ve seen people saying “They did the end-credits thing to introduce the symbiote in the MCU”... but why couldn’t they just have written it into the MCU.... why was this required...? I think it was just to beef up the box office for Venom 2 threw word of mouth. Cheap.

Based on the film’s subtitle, The Last Dance, Ejiofor is clearly playing a multiverse Michael Jordan and the venom symbiote is how he becomes the greatest basketball player ever. Except this universe, he plays his entire career for...The Washington Wizards.

But without the animal cruelty involved in that, would the myth of lemmings committing mindless suicide have entered the mainstream? And without that happening, would the video game Lemmings exist?

“We often hear of documentaries that are repudiated by their subjects. Here at Disney we have a policy that ensures this doesn’t happen.”

I mean, yeah, “brand experience”, sure, but their lane has always been high-fructose corn syrup children’s entertainment aimed squarely at WASP middle America.

Many countries other than the US actually forbid parents from giving children weird names under the argument that it is literally a form of psychological abuse.