Bad Kuchi Kopi

Did Trump disband the SEC? Where TF are they in all of this blatant manipulation?

I’m glad to see they finally clarified: 2 more seasons. Phew!

Because if you teach a bunch of 101 writers you need to break the rules, all you get are a bunch of incomprehensible “rule-breaking” screenplays. Film schools are already full of 18-year olds who come in thinking that their story with unmotivated characters and aimless plot will be an earth-shattering revelation to

Our favorite Chinese food place closed down because the owners got to old to keep it up and none of the kids wanted to take it over.   

I look forward to the retraction and mid-season cancellation or whatever they come up with.

Phew I was really hoping this would be the case.

Total disagree. Falcon and the Winter Soldier was much more awesome than it wasn’t and I’ll go down defending it until my dying day. It’s handling of race was definitely interesting and more nuanced than anything to date in the MCU (more Ezekial Bradley, please!), the characters were interesting and deepened

The Marvels reshoots had to be to remove every reference to that steaming pile of whale vomit that was Secret Invasion 

I agree he’s not great in The Mandalorian (assuming that’s one of the roles you’re talking about) but I think that speaks to recent seasons of that show being underbaked. He was playing Gus Fring as recently as 2022 in Better Call Saul, and continued to be excellent in that role. I have confidence.

Same - yeah I can play Hades II now and it’d be super fun. Or I can play it 6 months from now and it will be super fun and a little more polished and have a little more content and I’ll probably be able to get it on sale? That makes it pretty easy to be patient. In the meantime I’ll just have to play one of like 4

I hope the dildo called Woody is polished to a smooth finish. Otherwise ... well, splinters can get infected is all I’ll say.

This is one of the dumbest creative decisions I’ve seen in I don’t know how long. I mean, it’s baffling - there’s absolutely no way “we sent her out there to wait on purpose” is better than just leaving it to the viewers’ imagination. 1,000 years is a long time, literally *any* combination of events could have led to

I ran into the “game’s not ready at release” problem with Diablo III, which is why I haven’t bought D4 yet. Did drop $20 for the console version with all the DLC, and loved how D3 played that way (by mapping attacks to a few keys....they basically made it a console game on the PC).

That’s weird, I had heard Diablo 4 was great when it launched and the subsequent “Seasons” content drops were dogshit.

But enough about your two favourite dildos. What of the children’s films?

Cut them a break. Most A.I. is under 10 years old.

I think you are thinking about Rory Calhoun 

Rory Kinnear? The person who’s always standing and walking?

You and I obviously have very different expectations for the shows we watch