Bad Kuchi Kopi

Welp, my old ass is out-of-touch with today’s crop of stars: I have absolutely zero idea who these three people are.

Nailed it. This is how Furiosa works too. I saw it yesterday, and was perplexed by some of its aspects, until I realized that what we’re not seeing is objective truth, but a legend being related by another. The tell being when the History Man says he heard a certain detail directly from Furiosa herself. That’s a

Yeah but nerds also spent years putting together a Legend of Zelda timeline to explain how all the games fit together perfectly.   Instead of just enjoying them as their own fun things

The “maybe they’re just crazy in a room somewhere” trope has to be one of my least favourite lazy fan theories. It’s almost never based on anything actually present in the text - because it doesn’t need to be; if the protagonist is crazy everything is unreliable - and it usually adds nothing to the story thematically.

And let’s be real: Too Old Gibson probably could have still gotten the Harrison Ford revisits his greatest hits treatment. It’s the problematic part that kept him out. 

It’s fine. It just follows the shifting “relative timeline rules of, say, The Simpsons or comic books.

“Trump’s people are denouncing it as “direct foreign interference in America’s elections”

Heck, he never got over Spy Magazine calling him a “short fingered vulgarian”, he didn’t seem to have a problem with the vulgarian part, but implying that he had small hands was a bridge too far. He was still harassing the writer long after Spy Magazine stopped publication, I think almost right up until he ran for

It’s not his fault. It’s been talked about a hundred times over on this site and elsewhere, but the short version is that it’s an armorer’s job to make sure a gun is safe, and while it’d be nice if actors using prop guns were also firearms experts, there’s no realistic way to expect that to happen.

This is a deep cut, but I’m really hoping they show the Cannibal at some point - the gigantic, possibly ancient feral black dragon that nobody has ever tamed (and who may or may not have even come from the dragons the Targaryens brought with them, although that would make him ancient for a dragon). 

I mean, I’m halfway there. There were multiple safety layers that failed, including the person who shouted “cold gun” before he took it. Yeah, he was a producer, so you could argue some culpability there, but no one other producers are on the line here. But on the other hand, he killed a human being. It shouldn’t mean

“...and that little boy whom nobody liked grew up to be... Roy Cohn Donald Trump.”

You found a better one. 

I really don’t see why this is an issue for multiple reasons:

It is a good movie. They only thank him because they used footage of his, as thee starting off point was violence against Antifa, soo really in thanking him it is also a giant “fuck you” to him as well

Or as another NY real estate developer discovered, you can be rich and left alone, until you murder your wife, neighbor and best friend. Then you ask to do the dvd commentary for a movie about your marriage, (starring Ryan Gosling no less) then appear in a  documentary about the murders and admit you killed them all.

Most people would just shrug off millions of dollars?

*less soulless than the sequels

What makes the prequels less soulless than the prequels? How is a CGI C3P0 Three Stooging his way through a conveyer belt to be saved by a CGI flying R2D2 not a cynical, childish cash grab any different from the sequels? How is Lucas talking about writing the script for Episode III and saying the third act was easy