One of Springteen’s most powerful songs.
One of Springteen’s most powerful songs.
Gangs of kids are superpredators
I think one of the most telling things about Trump last night was when he was asked how he’d “restore racial harmony” his answer was literally “law and order.” In other words, he doesn’t give a shit about restoring racial harmony (not that this is a surprise, white nationalists are voting for him because of it). He…
Many people are saying Trump is probably addicted to uppers. Educated people, great people. You tell me.
But it’s a wife’s fault when her husband cheats! It’s her job to stay sexy and watch him like a hawk. He can’t help his appetities.
Let’s not forget that Captain Fucko over there cheated on at least one of his wives.
I love* how Hillary being cheated on is a mark against her.
It’s hilarious that Trump accused Hillary for ‘not having stamina’, while he couldn’t stand for 60 minutes of a debate without panting, sweating, and sniffling, while she stood there smiling, fresh as a daisy.
Best part is that it was on TV.
I made this observation first
My toddler had started saying yuck when I try to kiss him and it’s the most devastating rejection I’ve ever had.
I noted that and was pleased that no-one forced the contact issue, I did a little squee at Trudeau demonstrating good consent decorum. *swoon*
Awww, I think he tried the “high five” move, which is good for kids - much lower commitment and less intimidating than a hug or handshake.
I agree 100%. There are a lot of things about the Clintons and Hillary in specific that I am still very uncomfortable with, but I am happy to vote for her at this point.
“We are coming”
My wife and I watched this this morning, and I held her while she cried. I’m not American (my wife is, and we live here), and I’m absolutely ashamed he might be the next President. We’ve come so far in establishing greater equalities and yet we still keep taking these giant steps back. I keep telling myself the night…
I know you’re a troll but I’m bored so....what or who, exactly, are you taking your country back from?
“Four year abusive marriage?” Sigh - I wish. Considering the fact that the next POTUS will appoint 3 (perhaps more) SCOTUS justices, IF Trump gets the White House, we will be stuck with his legacy for decades.