
My friends and I went with the state road crew back to their hotel room. We met them in a bickfords parking lot- what can I say we were young and lived in a town with nothing going on. Now I think about how badly that could have gone (like 48 hours wrong)

I’m sorry to hear about your grandmother, but I love your attitude about it. My mim says, “Some of the best grandmothers are made so by the worst ones. Living a full life is a prerequisite for the job, don’t forget!”

Another one. One time in college, a friend and I drive to El Paso and took a bus into Juarez. We got lost and let some random guy walk us back to the tourist area.

Thank you. <3 She is truly the best. This earth does not deserve her.

She asked me what “internet” I was on, and I told her it was Jez. She said, “I will be Jezebel’s grandmother tonight.” lol she’s the best <3

Your grandmother sounds wonderful. Can I borrow her? :)

Please hug your grandma for me. She sounds amazing.

Your grandmother is awesome.

I’m sorry. I’ve seen people blindsided (used to work for a divorce lawyer) by getting papers served (something I also did occasionally).

When I was 17, I’d been drinking for about a year at occasional parties or sleepovers, and I felt incredibly cocky about never having thrown up from alcohol. I’d just come home from summer camp in Berlin, feeling very cool and European and having been to real clubs and bars, and I felt invincible. So when my friend

My car broke down and I got in the van of a random guy who pulled over to help me as I was walking down the highway. This was in the era before cell phones. What was I thinking? He dropped me off at the closest gas station. That could have gone so much worse.

I went up to dead lot with a friend of mine and we met some guys. (I was 17/18). We brought them back to our part of town to hang out. My friend and I had to go to work so I LET THE TWO STRANGE MEN borrow my car. After our shift, they met me in the parking lot and we all went and partied in their hotel room.

I’m so sorry, Scrunchie. I haven’t been through this, so I’m bumping for the most part.

It’s funny I saw my ex-husband last Saturday at a memorial for the friend that introduced us. I haven’t seen my ex in 15 years. I’ve done so much cool amazing stuff post-divorce. I have grown into myself. I’m now in graduate school for a 2nd career after having a successful 1st career.

When we were 25 a friend and I took up hitchhiking one summer for whatever reason. This wasn’t in the 70's either, it was like...2004. We should have known better.

It’s amazing many of us made it to adulthood.

As teenagers, we did such stupid similar things that I break out in a cold sweat just thinking about them.

My jaw literally dropped when I read this headline. This isn’t some redneck judge that decided this; it’s the 11th circuit court of appeals. Hair is an immutable characteristic. People shouldn’t have to do something unnatural to their hair (i.e. straighten it) in order to get a job. Bullshit.

Bullshit. Hair should be

It’d be a good time to, honestly. Specially with the make-up of the court being what it is.