
Fuck bike riders who refuse to stop at stop signs and red lights.

i just...ugh. Just because cats eat their placentas doesn’t mean we need to.

I love undersharing. I wish it was the norm.


When presidential candidate and sentient hemorrhoid dripping with an odd concoction of santorum and Cheeto dust Donald Trump is president, we won’t have to worry about pesky women’s equality in the White House because there won’t be any women there in the first place.

Oh please be safe from internet assholes, tiny child....

You and me both, sis. I grew up in the 80s and I wore, WITHOUT IRONY, a black and white striped top+leggings combo with a ruffled skirt of neon green and orange. Why? Because of STYLE. #neverstyle #i’mwithoutstyle #lockstyleup

Maybe we could found another third party based 70s dirtbag glam rock?

I was actually sort of rooting for them.

Mel B, even if that’s true, it’s not very nice.

I’m reminded that nearly naked, young healthy models were dropping like flies after standing in the heat at Kayne’s show this week. She’s wearing a full freaking suit. It’s hot. She got overheated. Clearly she has a fatal disease and is too ill to serve.

Oh, that’s awful! I hope it’s gotten better.

I’m certain I would have flashbacks to junior high, when I leaked so often I had to tie a sweatshirt around my waist every time I got my period. I had such a heavy flow that I could barely make it through a class without changing my tampon AND pad. Ugh. That feeling of it seeping out is the worst.

I have a pair — you don’t actually feel the need to change them! They stay mostly dry all day. It’s bizarre, but I’m definitely going to get more.

I wear mine with a diva cup.

If I have a bad leak, I just blot with some toilet paper to get rid of any excess moisture. I’m aware that sounds gross, but when I pulled the panties back on, it didn’t feel gross.

I would wear them as back-up if I were worried about leaking while wearing a tampon. But just walking around bleeding into them? No thanks.

One pair lasted me 13 hours on an average day. I wouldn’t wear just these on a very heavy day, though. But they are great for my days 1, 3 and 4.

Because the appearance of impropriety in a woman is more of a threat than actual evidence of impropriety in a man. This is known.

Yeah. And the way Biebs tries to approach know that dog doesn’t ever see him.