
I know this is how I’ll be:

Oh god my heart.

Please don’t leave. Why are you leaving? Where are you going? Come back! I said, come back! I’m not crying, you’re Crying! OK,we’ll cry together.

here comes a naked king


I’m just going to say this:

No one needs any Jenners, anywhere, ever

Some other country’s done it and shown success?

This is your brain.

OF COURSE it’s a good movie. Adam Scott was in it. Nothing he is in is bad. Not even that Hellraiser movie. The casting of Adam Scott and/or Paul Rudd by definition mean a good movie or tv show. Perhaps “dangerous" is a better word here?

I feel like everyone will be better off the sooner we seperate Farrah and Courtney

Victorville? STORY CHECKS OUT.

As a microbiologist I’ve been trying to get people to stop using that shit for years, but I think I finally gave up a little while back. Yay, FDA!

I prefer lye. The germs can’t get under your skin if there’s no skin is what I always say!

The only thing that’s more shit-smeared than the bathroom doorknob are all of our phones. I’m still alive.

Am I the only one who starts reading each case and going “oh, I wonder if I’ll get this one right, I hope I get it” and then check each ruling and go “yay me!” like this is a quiz at school?

FYI there’s a troll on Jez and the offshoot sites from Jez spamming with lots of pictures of dismembered animals. I’d advise caution towards the “show pending” button and also as a reminder if the trolls respond directly to you (as they have done to me) you can click on those 3 little dots on the right of the star on

We should all be wary. Taylor Swift’s recent “enhancements” are nothing more than her venom sacs filling as she prepares to paralyze her prey and feed.

I’m also an August 31st baby. Happy Birthday! (I heard about it that morning as well)

This is Deravis Caine Rogers, by the by, so we don’t forget who this shithead murdered for no reason.