

On that note, I’m glad the tabloids have left that whole topic alone for a while.

I liked the person who was pointing and screaming, that was the appropriate response to taking a picture with Simone Freakin Biles.

Not even half those people are worth Simone’s time. (I’m not just old, I’m grumpy and old.)

I’m not particularly attractive, but I “get away with” not wearing makeup by not giving a flying fuck.

I’ve tried to bust ghosts many times but have always ended up nursing them or marrying them. Or sometimes both. Us ladies are just too nurturing for the violence of it all.

I have an ugly suspicion that at least some of it is companies trying to cut down on the usefulness of hand me downs, though it seems like toys have gotten more gendered since I was an 80s baby as well.

Yeah, it’s dumb. And it’s weird how much more gendered things are than they were when, say, I was a wee one in the 70s. I feel like we’ve lost ground in a lot of ways.

ew no. what a douchebag.

Like the man who was Trump’s ghostwriter for Art of The Deal and at least two other writers. Also two people who Trump met with several times to learn about foreign affairs issues (one of them said he asked three times in a one hour meeting why, if the U.S. has nuclear weapons, they don’t use them.)

I’m not a sanitation worker, but I know a dumpster fire when I see one.

I paid off all of my unsubsidized school loans this week! Just cut my load in half and I haven't graduate college yet. Feeling really good about that!

Hi Jezzies and welcome Gawkfugees! This has been an... interesting week here to say the least. Here is your Brag Thread (though I guess a lot of us could just brag about getting ungreyed on all the Jez sub-blogs)! My brag is that I bought my airfare to see Mr. Antisocial graduate from OCS, and in an uncharacteristic

I like Dr. Bronners but it can get a lil too **spicy** sometimes.

I though we weren’t supposed to be doing that outside of hospitals, schools, and other super germy places anymore? You know, overusing antibacterials and creating super resistant bacteria and global health and what not.

antibacterial soap is bad for you since it leads to superbacteria. what’s with your smugness?

“Alright, since we all know that trying to stop you horny little shits is impossible, here’s what you do. Guys, this is a condom. Put one on your dick before you fuck anyone, unless you’re cool with paying child support for the rest of your life. Girls, this is the pill. Start taking this, unless you want to blow up

Since I am finally ungreyed on The Slot I have been nervous to comment. It’s too much pressure. So I’m resorting to gifs. Also congrats on getting outta the greys!