That’s an excellent point. Phelps scowling became a symbol of how focused and serious an athlete he is. But god forbid Gabby Douglas not smile all the fucking time. Ridiculous.
That’s an excellent point. Phelps scowling became a symbol of how focused and serious an athlete he is. But god forbid Gabby Douglas not smile all the fucking time. Ridiculous.
Yes! That video of Phelps scowling was deemed hilarious but when gabby doesn’t smile on cue it’s not okay?
Holy shit. Fuck the Italian team. To say Biles is more “acrobatic” than artistic is bullshit racism.
If I didn’t make it, I’d be bawling my eyes out. But that’s one of the many reasons I’m not an Olympic athlete. I think she has enough poise... Honestly, she looked better than Michael Phelps glaring at LeClos.
I believe that because Gabby paved the way, Simone’s road to victory was just a little less difficult. Gabby dealt with the brunt of the racially based criticism 4 years ago and although I bet that isn’t completely gone away (Italy), it seems better. Finally, all you haters can $#*& off. When have you experienced or…
I’m just kind of sad for her. (Not very, she has another gold medal this year.) I’ve never once interpreted her attitude as bratty, but she works her face off at her sport and when things didn’t go as she’d hoped, I’d bet it’s crazy hard to watch others do it. She does seem bummed most of the time.
People are really ridiculous and need to leave her alone. You don’t have to put your hand over your heart for the anthem and God forbid she not be jumping and screaming.
That poor woman. What she’s doing in the sport is hard enough, and she’s got every right to feel upset or disappointed or angry that things aren’t going as well as she might have hoped. She is under no obligation to look happy every moment a camera is on her. People are disgusting.
Come on, Beatles Reference Kinja Name. It’s critical to point out micro-aggressions as well as larger sexist and racist offenses.
And then to have it described as the “bigger prize.”
And I learned today that Simone came in third on vault at the 2015 World Championships. So since then she had to learn a new, harder vault to equal Paseka’s difficulty and win today. She was outstanding, but she had to work up to it!
Sayonara Austin! It was the crowds that drove me out but I don’t miss that heat either. It will break around Halloween.
pretty happy about this headline, aimée
Yeah, all this silliness has really endeared me to Katy Perry. And to quote Kara Brown: “Of the two women, Rihanna only had time for one of them, and that says a lot.”
I appreciate Simone Biles for her lack of faux modesty. I overheard someone say they didn’t like her because she was too cocky.
And her signature move, “The Biles” can’t be done by anyone else- man or woman.
Anything for a story. :/
Congratulations! I am pregnant with my second! Welcome to the phase of your life when you will always click on articles that you know you shouldn’t! What is this horrible compulsion?!?!
Love Samantha Bee so much.