
Doesn’t seem THAT unusual these days, sadly. I’d have gone completely insane, my family gets along so much better when there’s a continent dividing us.

Lambchop: “Would you like to live...DELICIOUSLY?”

The roller-coaster at the end of the universe. 

I have a feeling the institutional investors who are on every earnings call know full well how strong Sony is in gaming and would like to keep it that way. They follow the money not fanboy whims.

They are a company saying whatever they can to get regulators on their side aka doing their due diligence for shareholders. To do anything else would be weird.

He’s aggressively defending this review online, right now, and self-righteously victimizing himself over it. Not sure I’d go with “genuinely good dude” at this point.

Ug this shit is just so damn tedious now. I mean seriously what does any of this accomplish? Went online and beat up someone today for words from 17 years ago. Congrats. Slow clap for proving whatever doing that didn’t accomplish except make a few people miserable for 17 year old words and a bunch of probable assholes

My favorite example of this is Lovecraft. People are always like “sure he was an insane racist, but it was the 20s, EVERYONE WAS” and it’s like no, even during his own life his friends were all “dude you need to dial it way back bro.”

Isn’t “Kotaku” a Japanese portmanteau of “ko” (small) and “otaku” (nerd), like how puppy (“koinu”) is “ko” (small) + “inu” (dog)? It may not be a word used in Japanese but it actually follows the language rules and isn’t just some made-up gibberish.

As someone who was an adult in 2006 I can assure you that saying stuff like this was gross back then too.

And side note: who the FUCK is digging up 2006 game reviews to get angry about them!?

It’s entirely possible that the specific technique they used could find a certain class of exploit, and they let it run long enough to round up the majority of players u sing that class of exploit. So, say that the first week it was active they pulled in 20,000 cheaters, and the next week it snagged an additional

At least the ones who beat me do.

Single staffing a retail store is dangerous and stupid. Especially when that single employee is there for nearly 12 hours. Good for her. Your life is worth more than a pittance from a company that doesn’t care about you in the slightest.

I would take you less time to Google why Rowling is transphobic than it took you to type out this comment, much less expect someone to reply to it.

Separate the art from the artist

Separate the art from the artist

Tropico allows you to secure a portion of your island’s yearly income into a personal Swiss bank account. Not exactly Boss but its a start.

The only way this game can be realistic is if all of the economic/production data given to the player is completely fabricated and over-inflated, but you don’t know by how much. Like you think you have X units of steel being produced, but the reality is you have a fraction of that. And do that across all of your input

That’s gonna be a giant stretch for defamation, because the government is not the one that publicly released the comment.  She did that on her own.  It’s the Streisand Effect, no one would have ever thought of her as a prostitute if she didn’t announce the claim herself.