
At least they offered to pay! You know, instead of Elon offering the devs of Her Story the privilege of putting their game into Tesla’s...for free. Erm, for “exposure” rofl.

HahahHahahHahaHahHaH, they don’t give a shit about you other than your money. Bend over and take it from nintnedo

An ugly Mexican standoff if I’ve ever seen one, except one where we don’t know if Nintendo is holding a gun to PG’s head, or placing it in their holster.

I thought this was rather informative.

As a general rule, if the survival elements aren’t causing any stress, you don’t actually HAVE survival elements, you just have some mildly annoying busywork at times. The whole point of survival elements is that they need to cause you stress, with the possibility of your game just being fucking over because you

If only the other Mr. Roberts was as honest and forthcoming...

A story about a Kickstarter videogame and a person named Roberts that doesn’t end in decades wasted time and money? I guess the universe can work towards balance.

sounds like its for the best.  i’ve tried to work with auteurs like this dude.  it’s a nightmare for everyone.  they can’t give up even the slightest amount of control, make any sort of compromise, and have to have a direct hand in everything even if they have no idea what it means, how to do it, or what it entails. 

I don’t feel it was a very big loss, at least as a survival horror indie game. Not that the genre is all bad but it’s a bit saturated and I’d be afriad of it turning out generic.

I mean, we all saw this coming, right?

MS isn’t pushing the smoke screen, Sony is. Sony’s complaint from top to bottom is CoD might leave our console.
And MS won’t get that much leverage from the merger. Even after the merge, MS would still only be the #3 gaming company in the world, after Tencent at #2 and Sony at #1. Sony will still have the most clout.

The size of this deal is at least an order of magnitude bigger than almost every deal in the industry in the last decade. It would get similar scrutiny regardless.

I don’t think the problem was people trying to copy CoD so much, rather the market was just really digging CoD’s systems. Like, we had really great competitive FPS games that released that should have been pushed for more esports level kind of competition, but it didn’t hit players like CoD did. Shootmania for

she’s 33 goddamn years old, what do you think the demographics of video games is like? 

she’s younger than me and Ive been gaming since i was little, not sure why it’s difficult for you to imagine.

I really liked the fact that Elden Ring had an insanely comprehensive crafting system that you can just mostly ignore completely. Like, other than maybe making some boluses to cure status effects a few times, I have barely engaged with the crafting system at all in my 1.5 playthroughs. And honestly, you can probably

He’s the controlling shareholder — the only way he can ever take responsibility is by losing money. Him resigning wouldn’t change the fact that he retains de facto control of the company. Facebook is Zuck’s toy to screw up or not, and everyone who works there should be crystal clear that they are placing their

“Fired staff will be receiving 16 weeks of base pay, plus two extra weeks’ pay for each year of employment, plus all their remaining paid time off. They and their families will also get health insurance for six months, three months of career support, and vitally, immigration support. Overseas employees will receive

He wins the race.

Shit-birds of a feather flock together.