
@D0rk: How many people run Jay Leno's car hangar?

@Stupiderthanthou: I'll misspell things for style, or use "ain't" when I feel it more accurately conveys my tone. You have to resort to certain tricks when relying on the written word. Substituting numbers for words though, I really hate that.

@jaywontdart: I like to play "Self-important douchebag vegan." I can send you the home game, if you like.

@Imelda_the_Hun: That's not quite 10,000. You've got some more commenting to do.

@docwisdom: And I had Crucifictorious tickets.

@jaywontdart: Here's the thing: My girlfriend is vegan. She decided to go that way because she wanted to keep her weight in check. I eat meat. Despite living together for two years, she has yet to give me whole "it's better to be vegan" thing that you just spouted off to a bunch of strangers. It's because she

@Tony Kaye: Awwww. But I liked having a calm alternating viewpoint on this subject.

@GitEmSteveDave: Where he refueled? That's all I remember as well.

@King Antonius: All right. Thanks. That guy's still stupid.

@King Antonius: I do. Clearly he wasn't out of ammunition.

Dear Dakota's pink comment:

If I'm holding a gun, and I want to finish off something that I just shot, I'd use the shooty end of the gun again, not the bashy end.

@Arken: I dunno. She's pretty foxy.

Tell that girl in the first photo I said "'sup." She'll know what I mean.

See, this is a shame. I was going on a hiking trip to Sicily this summer, but as the fifty post thread below will tell you...