
Immortal Joe

do you need to rewatch Mad Max: Fury Road before seeing Furiosa?”

In what way is Dark a horror?

Me every time I hear “Night Stalker” (and yeah, I remember the Ramirez killings):

Look, I’m not an expert in Godzilla history, but I’m pretty sure that “God” being in “Godzilla” is a mistake or at least it wasn’t intentional. The character was originally called Gojira, which is a portmanteau of the Japanese words for gorilla and whale, and then Toho just invented the name Godzilla for American

Suicide is still high Japan and not “your going to Hell” because of, so you really don’t know anything about the culture except through a western lense, so shake your head and read and learn before speaking... shhhh

I went to like your comment and ended up hitting that Hulu ad that spawned in front of the star

I chalk it up to a lack of experience

For the last time, Cybertrucks are not for off-roading!

Wow, I just (a few minutes ago) wrote a post recollecting the idiotic fans claiming that Musk somehow magiced up some trick to make the CT aerodynamic, and how fucking stupid they were.

What will your excuse be come summer? 

No matter how much you stan for him, Elon is never going to notice you.

“Under-baked” is a good word for it. Much like The OA, the final product felt like an early brainstorm. I’m constantly imagining a writers room full of people shouting, “Wouldn’t it be cool if....” They toss things together so carelessly.

Severely under-baked show. Half the characters were completely superfluous. Both rushed and turgid at various points with rather large plot holes.  

My second thought was “there’s a fucking Beetlejuice musical...of course there is...”, but still surprise she was there at all. Based on the footage of her twirling with her boyfriend as they walk away from the theater, I imagined they accidentally walked into the place.

You quite literally couldn’t pay me enough to willingly roll the dice on traumatic brain injury. Five million, or about three and a half after paying a contingent-fee attorney his third, and maybe two after the tax man, might not cover a lot of lifelong medical care either.

And we all know Beetlejuice is a gateway to witchcraft and Satan!

She has a son who is 18 or around there.  His girlfriend had their baby in April, which is why this article called her a “36 year old grandmother.” 

“Johns?” Hahahahaha. Okay Lt. Brisco.

What language in what you posted suggests distribution of these videos in these circumstances would not be illegal? The language in 18.2-386.2 is “…any videographic or still image created by any means whatsoever…”. There is no language in there that limits its application to private images or videos.