
Look, I get what you’re saying. Some people can afford the things they like, and, well, this guy might like these overpriced things as they make him feel good about hiking, himself, or whatever. This lends credence to my calling him a wannabe hipster hiker. But for one, I wasn’t saying buy a $10 Walmart pack, I was

If those “ex-military, first responders, outdoorsmen, etc.” were using this setup, why yes, yes I WOULD call them hipster hiker wannabees. To their face.
Come on, seriously? $260 for a pretty basic (but it’s got a cool company name!) daypack?
And the kicker for me is, hike article, where he states it’s “hiking in hot

You get a star just because, well, because Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Ramona Flowers is my sunshine.

You guys always post these “pack configs”, and every single time, they are totally outrageously expensive. It’s like a game for me to price the stuff out and laugh. I mean, this config is close to $1000 FFS!?!? Who in the hell would spend that for a pretty minimal day hike config?
Please stop, and show us some real

This is a pet peeve of mine, and yes, I am a US citizen, but, when you say “American” beers, why does the list only include beers from the US?
When you say “American”, it should include ALL of America. You know, Canada, Mexico, Peru, etc.
Half the beers you listed aren’t even owned by US companies (anymore), so I

NOBODY wants to see a Black Widow movie...

I have used for that same thing! (Just not for the Cheeto in Chief). Going to have to make use of it for his so I don’t have to see that mug when I feel the need to raise my blood pressure...

“a running Laura—still at the motel after her brawl with Mad Sweeney—can’t catch up with them.”

That would be a(nother) negative point for them then, as Metallica is possibly the most overrated band ever next to Pearl Jam and U2.

Yes, this was a joke. I listed the years WITHOUT Glenn Danzig on purpose. Note, I do not care for The Misfits at all, let alone some shmoe named Michael Graves...but thanks!

Sorry but this sentence just makes my head hurt:
We know that he has given his has at least told the leaders of Canada and Mexico to hit him up on his personal cell instead of the White House line. “
Please fix it for us grammar police.

Yeah me too, especially the 1985-1995 era...

I absolutely loved how they wove Bowie lyrics/song titles, etc. into Gillian Anderson’s lines when she was Bowie. Excellent.

And I definitely agree that the animation for the intro sequence was just stunning. I kept thinking to myself that I would love to watch a full movie one in that style.

Awww, baseball players are so adorable thinking hey can fight like the big boys. I’ll watch hockey any day, thanks.

Thank you for this excellent article! Being a man, I am embarrassed by the whining and sexism perpetrated by others of my ilk. I mean, why the hell can’t women have nice things for themselves without us cavemen trying to stop it? I wish MORE theaters would do something like this!

I have no idea what you are saying by your comment. I never said that Dr. Who monsters were realistic. They aren’t. That’s part of the charm of what was meant originally as a children’s show from the 60's.

JFC if I could give you all the stars in the world for this comment I would. Long have I said that Cheryl needs to stick to YA movies/stories/tv shows. It’s like every freakin’ article she writes is “THE SCARIEST/CREEPIEST/MOST DISTURBING/ETC”. Are you 12, Cheryl? Maybe she should ghost write Trump’s tweets?

Says you! Dr. Who feeling all around. And really lame monster effects to boot. Just because the actress does her best Andrew McCarthy impression throughout, does NOT make it tense, nor scary.

Since when did Salad Fingers start doing scifi shorts?

I’m from Tampa (yeah, I know...), and if I could I would give you 1,000,000 stars for that comment. Dammit I hate Jameis ...