
It’s literally a ton of them!

Biden is overwhelmingly, aggressively committed to doing as little as possible as president.

The woman who allowed and encouraged the impeachment of  Trump even knowing the Senate would never convict? The woman who has refused to take the Senate’s miserly COVID offer,giving them cover because they “did something”? The woman who got her caucus to pass the ACA because it was right even knowing that it might

Pretty sure that statement meant more that he would think with his dick and less about it’s size ie it was controlling his actions and he would do whatever to have as much sex as possible. As a (gay) man I have never heard of a guy refer to his dick as being large by stating he was the “caboose” to it.

This, 100%. Analyze all this stuff to your heart’s content on November 4th, and hold Biden’s feet to the fire if he doesn’t shift sharply to the left. But until then, head down, eyes forward.

Right now, in this moment, I don’t give two sh*** as to the WHY they are ok with Biden, as long as they vote for him.

Who do you think they marry?

Have you considered that in light of how important this election is the rest of us just don’t really give a shit if you feel conflicted or not about it? He’s not the first (or second, or third, or fourth) choice for a lot of us but we haven’t spent the last 6 months crying about it.

I am not in a bad mood and this annoyed me as well. This is not the time to look for the absolutely perfect candidate. This is near-literal do or die time. 

Thousands of words wasted trying to pretend that there is anything whatsoever that Joe Biden can do or say that will “exonerate” him for the garbage left as a whole, and Jezebel in particular. 

My other thought on this is basically: what is the outcome she’s hoping for? Is she thinking he’ll drop out of the race because of a 30 year old sexual assault accusation that she can’t prove happened?

Why is Jezebel doing it’s level best to torpedo the campaign of the best chance to unseat the Orange Menace in November?  Need I remind you of the many women who have credibly accused Chump of rape?  And of The Dolt’s ties to Epstein?  How can 4 more years of the orange man-baby be preferable to Biden?

Esther Wang is one of those hipster children so far removed from the reality of what it means to live in a country being systematically destabilized by the dying white majority in its last gasps of destructive anger, that she has nothing to lose by signal-boosting the idea that Biden is just the worst thing ever.

Bernie supporters.

Remind me again how Biden was the only electable one?

In Michigan, where the state’s population is 14% black, African Americans made up 35% of cases and 40% of deaths as of Friday morning. Detroit, where a majority of residents are black, has emerged as a hot spot with a high death toll. As has New Orleans. Louisiana has not published case breakdowns by race, but 40% of

Last year she said Biden “invaded her space” and stroked her hair, and she says he digitally penetrated her without consent. Meanwhile, her tweet praising Putin was role-playing theoretical poetry, or something.
