If you search drug user forums, you see a lot interesting discussions of the merits of mixing OJ and molly.
If you search drug user forums, you see a lot interesting discussions of the merits of mixing OJ and molly.
And Trips didn’t break kayfabe when Austin went to fistbump him for having his back.
Seriously. These days, heel refs resort to using steel chairs and the like.
“In falling short this season, the Aces dropped a deuce.”
Were you watching the game on mute?
This kills me to admit it, but Seattle SHOWED UP. That was legit crowd support.
I got in trouble for watching the Pon De Floor video at work back in the day. Parents (and bosses) just don’t understand.
I like to imagine this as a response to Idris Elba throwing down the gauntlet.
Sick burn by Gelb. “He’ll start Sunday.” As if he wasn’t trying last night.
My feet sweat more than most. How do I counteract that??
We know he’s got the skills to pay the bills, amirite??
+4.0 GPA
Iniatiated the right way
And yet all weekend long, I heard people speak in awe of Muhammad Ali’s ability to generate riot-level crowds just by hopping out of a limousine.
The best part of it is that all that stuff is for only 10 people. Because, you know, excess.
I once thought I was buying a cat. Now Colin Quinn won’t leave my house.